Ethical Dimension To Business

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Ethical Dimension to Business

Ethical Dimension of Business


Ethical concerns have become central in our Western societies. These occur through environmental concerns, by distrust of all-technique, genetic manipulation or by concern for the rights of man. Companies shall in particular more aware of the effects of the action of man on his environment and realize that technical progress will not be ability to solve all degradation caused by human action. The company, as an actor potent company with a power of nuisance through its activities has been particularly affected by a number of actors, especially non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that have finger on different ethical issues. Civil society is increasingly questioned the fact whether or not a company values ??and if one is still interested in the financial value of the company, other factors come into play, its human resources policy, its sustainable development policy, etc.. The question is thus whether the company is or not the idea we have a "good business". In the same vein, globalization has facilitated communication, allowing an organization of civil society and denunciations of actions deemed immoral. The campaign of denunciation against the company Nike in 1997 that employed child labor in Asia, like a multitude of other actions, has made ??it clear to companies that they should regulate their activities through an ethics if they did not want to tarnish their image and jeopardize. Moreover, the importance increasing environmental issues in our societies, particularly the change climate have prompted companies to develop initiatives related to the "development sustainable ".

Thinking about business ethics is not new. Since the early factories England, there is indeed a tradition of reflection on the business itself. The English utilitarianism of John Stuart Mill, the thought of Weber on capitalism and Protestant yet the French social paternalism of the second half of century are all forms of reflection on the role of the company and that it must give its action in society. The formalization of a business ethics at the end of century is in the same vein. John Stuart Mill, in 1848, in Principles of Political Economy shows that the production and the market have not only to profit but also have a mission of maintaining the social fabric. Utilitarianism is a reference to morality, because the profit is seen as continuing of general interest and higher education. Self-interest is thus consistent with that of the largest number. The thought of Max Weber that accompanies the rise of capitalism and Protestant setting place in modern society shows that the direction of the economy is based on the action of Calvinist entrepreneur, who through his ethical qualities, contributed to the rationalization of society. Finally, the French paternalism, born in Alsace and strongly inspired by the thought of Friedrich

The play marked the field of ethics and business. Indeed, the textile patterns or Metallurgy of the second half of the century, in fact, took over the living conditions of their workers. It is in the 70's that are developed in the ...
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