Ethical Case Analysis by

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Ethical Case Analysis


Ethical Case Analysis


Ethics are norm and values that helps individuals to distinguish between the right and wrong. It defines the code of conduct for people to ensure that their behavior does not deviate from ethical principles. It ensures equality and justice in decision making for individuals, which would make certain that no one is harmed. According to Collins, (2009) to confined with ethical principles is crucial in every field, however since business is most important aspect of corporate life therefore it is essential to provide extra care to the matter and issues that are related to business. It is also imperative tom mention here that Ethical dilemmas are considered everyday happenings in business and in daily affairs. While ethical dilemmas are vary and prevalent in subject matter, then some of the more challenging issues directly relate to business and development. It is also quite necessary for the Business professionals to find a way to balance their own ethical behavior with their own ethical worldview and also with personal values or morals - this at times can be exceedingly difficult (Collins, 2009). This is true particularly for new, younger professionals who typically have a fairly “black and white” ethical perspective or may lack experience to view ethical dilemmas from multiple perspectives.


The case study chosen for discussing the ethical values and principles based on which it will be analyzed what is the ethical issue and how one can resolve it. It is important for the chosen company i.e. British Petroleum to be informed that they will be held accountable for their actions and have the responsibility to make decisions accordingly (Collins, 2009). Therefore, they should be engaged in continuous practice and life-long learning process to keep themselves updates with the changes and make sure that they are competent in the field. They should acquire appropriate knowledge and skills that are needed in the field to remain competent. Following question are addressed in order to get the desired results and to get the ethical case analysis of the British Petroleum.

Chosen Company: British Petroleum

British Petroleum or BP is known to be global oil and Gas Company, which is headquartered in London, UK. It is fourth largest energy company in all over the world calculated by revenues (British Petroleum, 2002). It is active and vibrant in each area of the oil and gas industry, which distinctively include exploration and production, petrochemicals, trading, distribution and marketing, power generation and refining of the oil. It has enhanced its major renewable energy activities, which includes biofuels, wind and solar power. It is being operated in almost 80 countries. In the United States of America, which is headquartered in Houston, (Texas) it produces an equivalent of 3.8 billion barrels of oil per day. It is the largest oil and gas producer (British Petroleum, 2002).

Ethical Questions Regarding the Chosen Company

Was the accusation bribe or corruption involved?

The corruption was not involved in the business ethical case selected. The company was found to not be involved in such activities for ...
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