Ethical Behavior & Organizational Culture In Human Resource

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Ethical Behavior & Organizational Culture in Human Resource

Ethical Behavior & Organizational Culture in Human Resource


The main purpose of this paper is to conduct an analysis on the ethical behavior and organizational culture in human resource. There is a great significance of ethical behavior and organizational culture in human resource and it is necessary that the human resource department should consider these factors while developing human resource plan.


The term cross cultural management is mainly associated with the management of working with multiple cultures while doing business aboard. For the companies involved in global business, there is a great importance of cross cultural management (Lindholm 2012). It is necessary for the companies with international operations that they should give a great importance in understanding the cultures of the other countries and develop the product and its promotional campaigns as per the culture of the targeted countries.

Socio-Cultural Factors

The socio-cultural factors play a key role in providing an impact on the staffing process due to which different jobs are provided only to specific clients. Thus, in this way it is necessary that while staffing, the coffee company should take into consideration the factor of socio-cultural impacts.

Conflict is another factor associated with human resource and ethics. Conflicts within a team can be creative or destructive. It depends on the ways through which a conflict manager manages it to lean to one side or the other. In short, this is also managing the tension generated for each member of a team of the best of himself. Here's what experts say in an article published by Harvard Business. In the article, Kling presents a set of guidelines for the management to get self governing groups in case of difficulty. Thus, he considered the conflict approach as the opportunity for the organization. Though, there is a direct impact of conflict between team members in terms of performance. The conflict in tea members is the main reason that causes the lack of performance. Conflict within a team is almost inevitable. It is also a good thing because it is essential for creative collaboration, which is one reason to be a team. But there are no debate different opinions about important things and synthesis of ideas. Managers can manage these conflicts to get the best from their equipment (Littler 1998, p. 65).  According to Kling, who gathers the opinions of experts, one of the keys to managing conflict in teams is to put some rules in advance. Chaos does not usually bring brilliant results. Instead, it is a good idea to raise a number of points to take to work in an environment of disagreement. One of those rules (the most important) is to be handled openly conflict. In this regard, it has two options: either confronts and resolves or simply let go. Make cliques and send "missiles" email is not a good practice and should be expressly prohibited. Although it is easier said than done, most of these conflicts should be addressed directly. As soon as it is detected, the important thing is ...
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