Ethical Behavior In The Workplace

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Ethical Behavior in the Workplace


The research paper focuses on issues of ethical behavior in the workplace. The ethical behavior in the workplace is a vital part of the employment, as these aspects can help out a company in its attempts to be beneficial for both its employees and organization environment. In every business industry, there are some rules and regulations to which its employees are needed adhere and maintain the positive environment of the company. The paper also addresses the ethical policy implemented in Apple Inc for the purpose of worker's right, and it is a fact that the company has proved to cater and take responsibility of their employees.



Thesis Statement3

Significance of the study3

Discussion and analysis4

Impact of Ethical Behavior and Role of Leaders4

Issues at work5

Ethical Issues in the Work Context6

Sexual Harassment at Workplace6

Characteristics of Ethical Values and Behavior in the Workplace7

Employee Diversification7

Unethical Influences7

Well-built Corporate Image7


Policy of Honesty7

Employee Safety8


Example of Ethical Consideration in Apple Inc8

I.Ethical Considerations8

(a)Apple's Wrongs9

II.Organizational Policies/Practices9

(a)Ending Excessive Work Hours10

(b)Addressing Underage Labor10

Recommendation and Conclusion11


Ethical Behavior in the Workplace


In today's rapidly changing business environment most of the businesses prefer to bring their cost down up to a satisfied level in order to compete well in their markets. There is no doubt about the fact that reducing workforce is a common technique that quickly lowers the expenses of an employer (Drucker, 2010). However, it is also a reality that decreasing in labor force increases the workload on other employees, where the increased workload does not allow them to give proper time to their families, friends, and personal life. This suggests that employees are facing challenges related to create balance between their professional and personal life (Donaldson & Dunfee, 1999). No one can deny the fact that employers' role is very important in this regard, but it does not mean that en employers should direct their employees about how to manage their personal life.

Thesis Statement

The paper aims at providing the justification for the research study that will examine closely about the responses and perceptions regarding the ethical issues faced by the workers in an organization.

Significance of the study

According to Danley, (2006) work ethics is defined as the acceptability or the unacceptability for the behavior within an organization, at the time and within the specified cultural environment. In this paper the major emphasis is going to be placed on the ethical and legal issues and concerns related to the work and workplace and it led to impact on the factors associated with it.

Discussion and analysis

According to organizational psychologists, employees who are overloaded with work and spend more hours art their workplace usually compromise their abilities to handle pressure and remain unable to deliver productive performance. In addition, this situation is also very critical for employers as they face unnecessary disruptions in their business operations. Some researchers argue that employers demand for long work hours can be seen as an abusive supervision or workplace bullying (Wimbush & Shepard, 1994). It has also been seen in many organizations that employers reduce the ...
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