Ethical And Social Implications Of A Word/Phace: Cyberbullying

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Ethical and Social implications of a word/phace: Cyberbullying

Ethical and Social implications of a word/phace: Cyberbullying


The widespread use of mobile phone and the Internet has given rise to new forms of bullying or bullying. Bullying by SMS, anonymous e-mails or web pages defamatory is increasingly common and has become one of the weapons preferred by harassing, intimidating when their peers. The victims now are doubly disturbing: in the classroom and beyond (Juvonen, & Gross, 2008).

Cyberbullying is defined as teasing or rumors that may generate or spread from person to person through social networks, acts that can leave deep emotional scars, depression, poor school performance, loss of interest in socializing and can even cause suicide in children and adolescents. However, cyberbullying, along with grooming or sexual harassment and access to inappropriate content, is the biggest problem currently evident among all the obnoxious behavior or risk of adolescents in electronic contexts (Vandebosch, & Van Cleemput, 2008).


Internet Harassment occurs when a person intentionally and repeatedly exerts its pressure on the other with the help of electronic media and maliciously, with aggressive behaviors, such as harasses, humiliate, defame, and threaten. Cyberbullying develops a life, a scene of peculiar and exclusive events whose keys are unique characteristics of bullies, travel, impact, spread and duration of action, impact on victims. The means by which they produce are very diverse cyberbullying, while incorporating technological devices most commonly used by adolescents and young people today: instant messaging, social networking profiles or forums, mobile phones (sms, send photographs or videos), games online via console or on the Internet, personal pages, etc.. Threats, libel and slander, offenses against privacy and acts against freedom sexual behaviors are most frequent among those related to cyberbullying (Vandebosch, & Van Cleemput, 2008).

The phenomenon of cyberbullying has broken into some time in the life of schools. Unlike the harassment or bullying that takes place in physical space of schools, cyberbullying affects or may affect our students, either as victims or as perpetrators, but the attacks do not occur or are put into effect in space or time associated with academic activity. Cyberbullying can be running school hours and in the room either. Is it to act by the center when the facts are not committed in the classrooms or spaces of the same? The answer is clear. By having knowledge thereof, provided that involving students at the school, the obligation to act is inescapable. If at any harassment situation peer collaboration and involvement of families in addressing the conflict is important, in cases of cyberbullying be considered indispensable. The characteristics of the intervention will depend on several factors, among other s, the status of victim or aggressor of our students (can be both), the collaboration of families affected, the nature and intensity of detected behaviors, duration and diffusion, the personal characteristics (starting age) of those involved, the filing of complaints by parents or relatives of the student or students concerned (Smith, et, al. 2008).

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