Ethical And Moral Principles

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Ethical and Moral Principles

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Ethical and Moral Principles


Ethical and moral principles help in defining and understanding that what is right and what is wrong. Ethics and moral is related to how people treat each other and how they should treat each other. Ethics and morality is important and helps in building up the personality and character of individuals. Most of the organizations give high importance to morality and ethics, and make their policies and regulations accordingly. Both ethics and moral is related to the right and wrong conduct. Ethics is a series of rules and regulations provided to an individual so that they can act professionally. Moral is the insight principle of an individual which helps in differentiating between what is right and what is wrong (Common Wealth of Australia, 2011).

Health care centers are involved in providing health care services to people in the country. It helps in enhancing health and promoting the well-being of people in the nation. It is the responsibility of the doctors and service providers available at health care centers to provide effective and efficient services to their customers. There are some ethical and moral principles that are required to be followed by the health care centers. Professionally the implementation of ethical and moral principles has become a necessity, and it is vital for the service providers to take care of it (Trotochaud, 2006, pp. 165-172).


Human life is created by God, and if human being feels any threat to their life or any illness affects their health, they seek from health care organizations. It is the responsibility of the health care organizations to provide their patients with excellent health care services. They have to make sure that patients get rid of their illness and live a healthy and fit life. It is the right of human beings to gain access to health care services. The health care services should be provided equally to all the patients without any discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, country and nationality. There are some ethical and moral principles which are followed in health care centers. Ethics and moral help in professional practice as it helps the service providers in understanding the difference between what is right and what is wrong. There are some principles which form a framework and set of guidelines for the health care centers. The aim of these principles is to help the health care providers in understanding their responsibilities towards their patients. They need to understand that what is ethical and what is unethical. It also defines the code of conduct, and if any healthcare organization fails to follow the ethical and moral principles, they have to face difficulty in providing good and satisfying services to their customers.

Ethical and Moral Principles

The medical ethics refers to the set of principles that helps in adding value to the practice of medicine. The application of ethical and moral principles in the professional practice of healthcare centers is common (Common Wealth of Australia, ...
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