Ethical And Clinical Practice Issues

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Practice In The Workplace

Practice in Workplace


Health and medical care provided to patients in clinical settings depend upon knowledge, traditions and experience. It is the knowledge and practice that facilitates practitioners in providing quality health care services to patients. Certain guidelines have been formulated to assists health care professionals in clinical practice. These guidelines helps both practitioners and patients in decision making process, select appropriate intervention and regimen for treating patients, and to resolve clinical issues.

Evident disparities have been observed in clinical practices in health care. These disparities are based on race, culture and traditions and also upon the practice methods of the health professionals. These affects the health conditions and access to health care services for patients. These disparities give rise to ethical and legal clinical issues that influences health care services and has an adverse impact on the health of patients.


Ethics play an important role in nursing and clinical practices in health care. It has a strong influence on the health of the patient and the overall performance of nurses and workplace. Through devised standards of ethics and values, disparities in health workplace can easily be resolved (Furlong, n.d, p. 29). For this cooperation between nurses and other professionals, active participation of patients in the decision-making process and adequate knowledge and skills of profession is required so that optimum and healthy outcomes can be attained when it comes to providing care to patients (Furlong, n.d, p. 29). The role of nurses in providing care and nursing patients become important for they play an active and closest part in providing these services to patients. Since they spent much time with patients it is important that they comprehend and practice ethical principles better.

Evidence Based Practice in Healthcare

Recently much emphasis has been put on evidence-based practice in health care sector. The variations in clinical decisions and practices in providing care and regimen to patients by the health professionals has become a point of concern. The decisions made physicians often vary from professional practices, organizational policies and procedures (Humphrey & Utterback 2012, pp.1).

The decisions based on evidence based clinical practices yields high quality and effective patient outcomes. The integration of evidence based practices with clinical practices can benefit health care sector in many ways. It can control inflated costs and inefficiency can be reduced. It can enhance the overall position of health care centres (Humphrey & Utterback 2012, pp.1).

Ethics is a delicate part of evidence based practice as it involves the participation of both patients and professionals. the outcomes of evidence based practice is achieved better only if the ethical guidelines of clinical practice are followed stringently by the professionals involved in providing quality care to patients with diseases and illness (Butts, 2007, Pp.73).

Ethics in Clinical Practice

Ethics play an intricate role in clinical practice and health care. Nursing ethics stresses upon the ethics of every day in clinical practices. Ethics is pertinent to clinical evidence based practice and influences all parts of professional nursing roles ...
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