Eth301 - Business Ethics

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ETH301 - Business Ethics

Module 1

Case Assignment

Should Brian give Lilly her job back?

Through the background of the study it viewed that Consequentalism is the generalization to the utilitarianism. Utilitarianism, the consequentialist theory says that an action is right if it maximizes happiness for the greatest number of people over the long term, given that everyone's happiness is of equal value.  In other words, when we make a moral choice we must do a cost/benefit analysis where the common denominator is human happiness.  An action is good if it creates more happiness than unhappiness.  We are concerned here with everyone who might be involved.  Each person's welfare must be considered, and considered equally. Whereas, Deontological theories address the moral nature of the action itself.  Here we assess the rights that people have and what duties might go along with them without consideration given to consequences.  It has made it clear that looking at the consequences will make a general view to decision that whether something is right or wrong. The concept of utilitarian propose a way which look at the consequences (usually for greatest good and greatest number), but there also lie some of the other ways that evaluate the consequences, and your way of judging morality keeps you the consequentialist.

Problem statement

From the case described, one basic view is that both Brain and Lilly were more likely under the ethical practices, Brain must figure out Lilly's approach in deciding whether she should be hired again or not.

Ethical Delimma

Considering Lilly's action against Brain, she has a reason which she found right. Other than not following Brain's command , Lilly has opted a positive side of being ethical by not following Brain's order. Being ethically right she has responded well and has maintained the ethical values which is authentic commitment with company's policy. Brain was only considering the short time benefit. Lilly go for applying the ethical theory of Utilitarian by considering the outcomes to Brain's decision along with keeping the ethical social responsibilities in the situation of facing any uncertainty.

Brain has baseless reasons not to hire Lilly back. Brain's consideration is more “egoistic”, which is more limited consequentialist theory that tends toward being unethical. As being a good employee Lilly has taken a positive step against Brain but she has no intention of stepping back from her job. Brain has no strong proof in taking any decision against the job rejection of Lilly as the employee has got the right to go against the unethical practice within the organization. Taking advantage from others problems is considered unethical under the theory of utilitarian.

Lilly has more ethical stand in this case than his boss as she stood against the illegal practice which goes against the social responsibilities and the ethical policy of the Motel. Increasing prices at the time of uncertainty is fairly against the boundary of ethical practices. However Brain was ultimately following this practice in order to make money from bad situations which are yet a practice which will ...
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