Essentials Of Evidence-Based Practice

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Essentials of Evidence-Based Practice


Shortage of qualified health care personnel is associated with the negative impact over the health care issues. Nursing practices has been suffering from iadequate amount of nurses that is a result of a number of causes. American nurses and their managers have complaint about this problem, however no effective measures was taken to resolve this problem. Nursing staff is considered as the backbone of the health care system, and appropriate staffing is extremely necessary for the delivery of quality health care.


Part 1-Identifying a Researchable Problem4

Summary of the area of interest4

Problem identification4

Significance of the problem in nursing practice5

5 questions selected and their feasibility6

Preliminary PICO question and description of its variables7

Part 2—Literature Review8

Literature review8

Inconsistencies and contradiction in literature9

Preliminary conclusion of literature review10

Part 3 - Translating Evidence into Practice10

PICO question and its significance to nursing practice10

Summary of the findings from the literature review11

Potential consequences or prospects of applying the evidence based practice12

Strategy to disseminate evidence based practice12

Communication of EBP to colleagues13

Implementation of research outcomes13

Concerns and oppositions to the change in practice13



Part 1-Identifying a Researchable Problem

Summary of the area of interest

The area of interest of this research is managerial aspect of nursing practice which is influencing the progress of nursing practice. Nursing practice has suffered from a shortage of qualified personnel due to a variety of reasons. Scarcity of nurses has been affecting patient care for a long time. Researchers have indicated increased mortality rates due to insufficient nursing care (Aiken, Clarke, Cheung, Sloane & Silber, 2003).

Hospitals and nursing care units cut their budgets through staffing less nursing staff than is appropriate. The nursing profession requires continuous education and research, but the nurses are so much occupied with patient care that they fail to fulfill the need of research. The load of responsibility on nurses is so high that the nurses are hardly able to accomplish their primary role of patient care.

Problem identification

Figure 1 Image retrieved from

American nurses have been repeatedly complaining about being overworked. Most of the nurses work long hours and overtime. The workload tends to compromise the quality of care nurses provide to their patients. The increased number of patients assigned to a registered nurse has led to augmentation in mortality and morbidity rates (Carayon & Gurses, 2008). The healthcare authorities have been neglecting nursing care budgets for too long. The problem surfaced when the impact of the workload started showing on patients' outcomes. The patients are not satisfied with the time a nurse spends on their direct care (Müller de Magalhães, Dall'Agnol & Marck, 2013)

Assessment of nursing practice reveals that nurses spend all of the duty time in a struggle to provide best possible care. There is obstruction in the delivery of a nurse' effort to the patient. The analysis exposes staff shortage as the real problem (Hassmiller & Cozine, 2006). Healthcare is an everchanging profession. Every healthcare provider has to stay up to-date with current trends. The nurses are not excluded from the group. Patient care cannot flourish without input from nurses (Hassmiller & ...
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