Essential Tool Of Wartime: Torture

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Essential Tool of Wartime: Torture

Essential Tool of Wartime: Torture


A mother lays mourning over the casket of her only Child; a young boy screams as he looks at his father's lifeless body from a distance; a pro athlete struggles to take a single step after losing a limb. Just minutes ago these people lived a relatively normal happy life. This was prior to the massive explosion that caused those buildings to come crashing down to the ground killing many innocent civilians and bystanders. The terroristic attacks of 911 were a ticking time bomb that may not have detonated if officials could get more information from suspects questioned in connection to different threats. These terrorist are extremely dedicated to their craft and will do anything to follow through with a plan to hurt innocent people. We cannot defeat a terrorist through kind actions, and we cannot expect positive results without getting our hands dirty. The one and only proven method to extract information from these groups thus far has been torture (Conroy, 2000).

Thesis Statement

Even though politicians along with the mass public question whether torture should be legal, my belief is that torture should be legal and utilized in a war time situation. The modern wars of today have been common because of actions by terrorist groups throughout the world. You can not kill a terrorist through kindness, and you can't expect positive results minus getting your hands dirty (Harbury, 2005).

Since the current situations at war have tarnished the U.S. militaries image in reference to current law, I believe the laws should be further researched in order to change the laws that have been in place for centuries. The enemies and the wars of today are far different from the wars of the past, with this said I believe that new tactics of torture are mandatory to get vital information and intelligence in order to protect America and the soldiers abroad.

In this paper we have utilized the information that is avaibale for us by means of the documentations of the United States. My thought is that these soldiers did nothing wrong based on what they were attempting to do which is save U.S lives through information. The current laws state that you can do only so much before it is considered unethical and against the law. I believe that these laws need to be written and I plan on proving my argument through the information available to me (Conroy, 2000). The purpose of this papaer is to claim that that the torture is a proper and necessary tool for the U.S, the United States must use this tool in its action on war on terror. There are tow fundamental reasons for this stance:

The first reason is to ensure the protection and safety of U.S. citizens by making it possible to provide access to relevant and timely information. The timely information is many time needed to tackle several critical informations. This timely information can help the citizens in identifying the potential threat for ...