Essay Type Report

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Essay Type Report

Essay Type Report

What are the main elements (parties, laws, processes) of the  industrial relations system of your allocated country?


The elements which are associated with the industrial relations system of Germany , in comparison with the industrial relations of United Kingdom and United States, the German industrial relation system has been widely praised and is seen at the other end of the band, here in Germany, statutory rights of workers are concerned a lot(Adams, 2007, Pp. 154-157). For instance: the German industrial system facilitate workers with the provision of statutory rights in order to represent through the working councils at their work places and with the supervisory boards at boardroom level in major firms.


Research reported on the exploitation of two things: either the teenagers are not able to work for the restoration, or if some are, this is due to the fact that they lack creativity and innovation, they accept uncritically the direction and they are vulnerable to manipulation management's adulation or in bad faith. Such a vision (as described as indoctrination) is influenced by the Marxist idea of false consciousness


Employment policies are set and regulated by the major fast food companies for the stores owned by company and provide guidance to the franchisees to continue with the same practices while tackling with their employees. There are no overall standards prescribed for such low benefits such as laundering of uniform, sick leave with pay or workers with more job experience get suitable working hours or more pay. However, Federal legislation has regulated the form of jobs and the working hours for minors (Levinstein, 2003, Pp. 228-229). Some of the researchers however have also investigated on the MNC's operations in fast food industry. Few of the researchers have identified weak connection between HRM practices and poor level of job satisfaction and eventually the service outcomes of fast food employees. The linkages between employment outcomes and wages, mass production of food and low skills have also been identified by some of the researchers.

Arising from these elements, what challenges exist for the global fast food companies in seeking to have a standard approach to HRM adopted internationally

From the core of this question, there lies an identification of the fact that there is a possibility of number of challenges which such multi national corporations are going through with, and their human resource practices while fanchizing their operations to other overseas countries. As identified from the chapter and the literature, it has been identified that there are some of the elements like legislative constraints and some other linked with cultural blockages, which are becoming challenges for MNC's to adopt standard approaches to HRM being adopted throughout the world. However, MNC's can look for the problems of whether they are required to clarify local situation in several manners. The first and foremost element which require to consider is the acceptability, how the MNC will observe that certain policies or practices should be perceived for instance; the practice of performance related pay, is ...
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