Essay Questions

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Essay Questions

Essay Questions

Q1 Explain the role of St Francis of Assisi in the developing monastic movement in Europe. Discuss his life and his contributions

Born in Assisi, Umbria, Italy 1182 Peter and Pica Bernadone, St. Francis was baptized by John, and then re-christened Francesco. He died Oct. 13, 1226 and was canonized in 1228. Pope John Paul II declared him the patron of ecologists in 1979. In medieval times, a series of movements based on the ideal of poverty. What made the monastic movement under the leadership of Saint Francis different was his attractive personality and passionate dedication to the message he preached. One of the most popular saints, he combined with a rigid poetic gentleness.

Francis popular tradition of the Christmas crib. In addition, the three branches of the fact that he created, and many other religious societies bear his name. One of the main issues that Francis had an interest in the case, preaching the need for the poor, simple way of life based on the ideals of the Gospel. Francis overwhelmed in the spirit of love, not only for men who have suffered, but the dumb animals, reptiles, birds and any other creatures, and without consciousness. First of all he loved the little lambs with special affection and love they showed FOT issued humility of our Lord Jesus Christ, as the Scriptures use the lamb in the description of it.

Q2 Evaluate the epic poem 'Song of Roland'. Describe the major points of the poem and evaluate the significance of the work on Medieval listeners. What does the poem tell us about life during this age?

The Song of Roland is loosely associated with the chivalric romance literature—the adventure narratives—of medieval France. The romance is divided into three types on the basis of content. The first concerns matters of Britain ...
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