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Essay Questions

Essay Questions

Answer 1)

The poet, Wilfred Owen, in this poem wishes to highlight specifically the death of a soldier during war and the notification of the death to his family. The poem has been titled as 'anthem' and it has some different meanings, the one that most relates to the poem is, an awakening famous song that describes the particular subculture, point of view or movement. Soldiers of World War I were fighting for no reason, just fighting and fighting with a belief to win. They were poorly equipped. They were hopeless young soldiers of their day. They were not provided with proper fighting equipments.

The poet describes the sad times of World War I and the death of a soldier while fighting. He feels for the assassinated and brings a notification for the family of that person. He describes the overall situation and says that there could be none of the civilian who could understand the feelings of the soldiers at that time during the war. They were in a very depressed and highly emotional state, just fighting with the opposing party for no reason in mind. Had they been provided with better fighting equipments, given time to rest and provided some necessary facilities then they would not been slaughtered by the enemies. They were also humans and young people with their families at home waiting for them (Shmoop, 2012).

Answer 2)

The term revolution is a radical change or transformation compared to the immediate past, which can occur simultaneously in different areas (social, economic, culture, religion, etc.). Revolutionary changes have far-reaching consequences and are often perceived as sudden and violent as they are a breakdown of the established order. Revolutions are born as a result of historical processes and collective constructions. Majorly there are three types of revolutions namely political, social and economic revolution.

The political revolution is that which replaces the government or even amending the entire political system. Social relationships (such as property), however, remain unchanged. An example of this type of revolutions was occurred in Europe in the year 1848, when widespread popular demonstrations wave that spread with great speed.

The social revolution, however, is a transformation of all the everyday social interactions and relationships within a territorial space freed either a city or a country. Thus, social revolutions alter property relations and transcend politics, as the French Revolution of 1789 and the Soviet Revolution of 1917.

Finally, the economic revolution is the drastic change of the conditions of production, distribution and consumption of goods and services. The term is generally applied to technological change, as happened with the so-called Industrial Revolution (which began a different time by using new techniques, sources of energy, invention of new machinery and transportation, among other issues).

Mexican Revolution

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