Essay Questions

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Essay Questions

Describe your views related to the concept before taking the class

The child abuse is a serious social problem, rooted cultural and psychological, which can occur in families of all economic and educational level (Goldstein, Pp. 126-134). The abuse violates fundamental rights of children and, therefore, must be stopped, the sooner the better.

Describe your understanding of the concept after taking the class, and the specific information (10 concepts) that helped change your views.

The term child abuse can be described as any damaging or unpleasant contact on the body of a child, and any sort of contact those results in humiliation, embarrassment, or threat to the child. The child abuse can be further categorized into four major parts; physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse, and neglect. Here, we are emphasizing on sexual abuse in which the child is forcefully engaged in sexual activities, whether the level of violence is low or high (Hawkins, pp. 512-527). Such activities may include physical attack (rape or oral sex) or non-penetrative actions such as rubbing, touching, etc. Child abuse may also contain non-contact actions like involving or forcing a child in watching or producing sexual pictures, motivating a child to adopt sexually unsuitable behavior, etc (Botash, 2010).

One can distinguish various forms of abuse that adults have on children:

A.The negligence that is expressed in vulnerability.

B.Physical abuse is any form of corporal punishment also includes the closure or intentional deprivation of care or food. Sexual abuse consists of forcing or persuading a child to participate in adult sexual activity, compared with those who cannot give informed consent.

C.Emotional abuse, which encompasses all the others, but that can be exercised independently of the others. For example, terrifying threats, insults, devaluations and / or absence of affectionate expressions.

Describe the 3 most helpful things, you have learned for yourself. What specific information, readings, notes, etc. helped you learn these things? Explain how you found them helpful.

As far as my learning is concerned, the most beneficial thing that I have learnt is the signs and symptoms of child abuse. It is evident that the children are subjected to sexual abuse are at considerable risk of behavioral, medical, sexual and psychological disorders. That is why it is important for the guardians to observe the signs and symptoms of child sexual abuse (Maniglio, Pp. 67-82). Although it is not an easy task to recognize such condition of the child, but there are some physical and behavioral signs, which could help to identify the possibility of such happenings to the child. Secondly, the violence in the world of children can cause severe mental and physical illnesses to them. Thirdly, such incidences create harm for the society as a whole because when the victims go to the society they may conduct the same behavior with others.

How have the 'international' and children's rights aspects (children and war, sexual exploitation, child labor, etc) of this course helped develop your understanding of violence in the world of children? Give 2 specific examples and what you've learned from them.

Child Labor

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