Essay Questions

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Essay Questions

Essay Questions

Question No. 1:

How would you resolve the issue for the termination of contract under FAR provisions?


Working as a contracting officer for Defense Department Agency, I am facing an issue of contractor unhappiness with the contract price. The contractor of Acme Corporation is threatening to terminate the contract for convenience because he is not willing to deliver the last set of thousand components. Since the contractor had been delivering quality components and his performance has been really well, I am thinking to solve this issue by conducting meetings with the president of Acme Corporation in order to convince him of some other solution rather than terminating the contract. I will involve a mediator in between in order to make the president of Acme Corporation calm and agreed for negotiations.

However, if the president is not in a mood to continue with the contract, there are few FAR provisions which can be utilized in order to resolve the issue peacefully providing mutual benefits. FAR notice requirements are supposed to be given by contractors before just announcing their final decisions. Since the president of Acme Corporation has not given any kind of prior notice, he has neglected the FAR requirements and my agency can simple sue him for that aspect. Further, FAR provisions like 33.210 provide our company an opportunity to claim accrues. This provision also states that disagreements between parties must look for counseling for resolutions, not directly terminating the contracts (Tieferm & Shook, 2003).

Question No. 2:

Explain the differences between protest and claims?


Protest is basically complaining about the government's behavior while handling the process of procurements. The protests are usually related to the awarding of the contracts. Protest may take the form of pre-award protest or a post-award protest.Claim is a complaint by a one party of an existing contract towards ...
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