Essay Questions

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Essay Questions

Essay Questions

A pharmaceutical manufacturer followed sales representatives in the field to observe some 150 interactions between sales reps and physicians and support staff. They watched sales reps approach the doctors, how they got around their gatekeepers, how they delivered their brands' messages, and so forth. These observations led to improvements in training new reps. in what category of research would this study fall? Provide advantages and disadvantages of this category of research. What would be the next step in the marketing research process?

As it is evident from the provided data that the pharmaceutical manufacturers indulged themselves into the observation type of research. As they observed the sales representatives and how they approach doctors and the gatekeepers. Thus, in the context of the paper the fact becomes quite clear that we will be shedding light on the advantages and disadvantages of the observation type of research. Plus, the next step in the marketing research process will be highlighted in the context of the identified approach. Observation type of research tends to serve as a tool to collect data and demands that it must take into account considerations of rigor. It first serves as a method to collect the information which needs to be planned to meet the requirements of validity and reliability. A second aspect is referred to their working condition, systematic and possessing expertise in the data record, plus it leads to the significant moods of the varying nature of the situation.

Plus this method also demands that the specific conditions need to be crafted in order to observe the facts. This will allow the observer to note down the facts as they happen without any sort of altering (Carl & Roger, 2004). However, this method can hinder the accurate results if the methods tend to ignore the potential or possible errors of observation. Thus, it won't be wrong to conclude that the errors are related to pursuing observers, the instrument used for observation and the observed phenomenon. However, where this method enjoys the advantages it also tends to inculcate certain disadvantages. The disadvantages attached to this type of research tend to fall into the categories of observer, instrument and the object. As far as the observer in concerned the participation of those individual who are not involved in the investigation may lead to the inconsistent results. This leads us to signify that this research lacks an operational definition. Moreover, the mistakes that are incurred in its preparation should be measured. Since it avoided any operational definition, thus it failed to specify any criteria and indicators for measuring the variables. The connotation of object tends to inculcate the fact that when one observes the phenomenon under study, the aspects which are to be addressed are not equal.

Moving on to the positive side of the picture the fact stands to be inculcated that it tends to provide information of events as they occur in reality, which leads us to signify that we intend to move with the ...
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