Essay Questions

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Essay Questions

Essay Questions

Essay 1: Provider Assault Questions

A court order signed by a judge is generally a stronger form of process than a subpoena or summons, and it is in Sheila's case usually indicates that a due process hearing must held after which a decision was made that disclosure was necessary. If a court order is issued without a due process hearing, it may be appropriate for the treatment provider or patient or client to ascertain whether proper legal standards were met before the court order was issued.

Family law proceedings generally deal with matters of divorce, custody, and visitation. Unlike civil and criminal cases, family court vests much discretion in a single judge. When children are not involved, issues of violence in the marriage may be relevant (Goldman, 2005). Treatment providers can offer testimony regarding the nature and impact of such violence on the issues in dispute. When children are involved, a judge may appoint a guardian ad litem to give general guidance or to specifically investigate certain matters in dispute. For example, a judge can require a guardian to investigate allegations of sexual abuse.

A guardian ad litem may issue a report effectively determining whether allegations of sexual or domestic violence are credible and what impact if any the violence should have on issues in dispute. A guardian can seek assistance in making such determinations from a treatment provider. The judge usually, but not always, follows the opinions and recommendations of the guardian ad litem (Goldman, 2005). Unlike in civil and criminal cases, a family court judge can apply more flexible standards of evidence admissibility: a treatment provider can usually offer live testimony, an affidavit, and/or a narrative summary report.

Essay 2: CCTV Cameras in Britain

This refers to a surveillance system that includes strategically placed cameras and a videotaping/monitoring system. It is used primarily to monitor the actions of people. It is used in schools to monitor the movement of students, in grocery stores to monitor the behavior of cashiers, and even at hazardous intersections to monitor the flow of traffic. It is one of the most popular types of surveillance used by security professionals (Rosenbaum, 2007).

Additional police responses in the event of a new crime may be developed with a geographic profile. Many criminals return home after committing a crime, and patrol units can be directed to the area of probable offender residence in addition to responding to the crime scene. Particular attention should be paid to the most logical routes from the crime site to the high-profile area and to relevant major arterial streets, freeways, and off-ramps. Depending on the size of the hunting area, the offender's probable escape routine might also suggest possibilities for locating witnesses or closed circuit television (CCTV) and commercial video cameras (Rosenbaum, 2007).

Known information on the offender can be mailed or delivered to those households and businesses located within the peak area of the geoprofile. People are more likely to respond to an individualized request stating that the offender resides in their neighborhood than they are ...
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