Essay Questions

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Essay Questions

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Essay Questions

Answer 1: Alternative Reproduction

Everything has science in its existence. Reproduction is one of the most obvious and advance invention of science. The reproductive cloning in dogs, cats, cows and monkeys has already been accomplished. It is now becoming a reality in humans as, well. This means that a day will come when a person will be able to have a child with his or her own cells. The alternative reproduction has solved the problems which mostly young couples suffer because of abnormalities. Mostly these couples have abnormalities in the reproductive systems. In this case, the alternative reproduction has played a vital role solving their problems. Various assessments made by the fertility expert before finalizing the treatment. Clinics offering infertility treatments should also refer to past obstetric and gynecological history of the couple. These people use artificial fertility which helps them in the reproduction system.

Everything has both; good and a negative impact. Similarly, the alternative reproduction has solved the problem of the reproductive system, but on the other hand, it has also some side effects which are very harmful for women (Weisberg, 2008). The ovarian tissue of women might get damaged which can create a lot of trouble for upcoming babies that they plan. If the ovary totally gets damaged, it has to be removed. Once the ovary removed, the lady can never become a mother in her life. The alternative reproduction has created family issues as, well. The most common and obvious problem which these families faces are the misunderstanding between the couple. Fathers sometimes do not consider these children as their own child, so the problems in the family starts as both partners have conflicts. Mothers do not only face complications during their pregnancy, but they also go through the family issues, which are more disturbing for them.

Answer 2: Mediation

Mediation is a practice or discipline that aims to define the intervention of a third party to facilitate the flow of information. The third called the mediator the definition of this activity varies depending on the context of application. However, constants exist whenever a third party intervenes to facilitate a relationship or understanding the situation and elements of pedagogy and relational quality reflected in the practices of mediation. Especially popularized in conflict resolution, it has different ideas related to those on the individual (Strasser, 2004). The Professional Chamber of mediation and negotiation defines mediation as ...
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