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Essay Plan

Essay Plan


Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has become one of the famous debates at present mostly in the developed countries. CSR entails the inclusion of well-established corporate code of conducts that every organizations is expected to follow religiously. However, there is wide range of variety that imposes the difference in implementation. There is noticeable different in conceiving the corporate authority within developed and developing countries.


Developing Countries are being misused in the name of Sweatshops

In the article about the implications of corporate codes of conduct, the author has mentioned the working attitude of women in Vietnam. According to Hoang and Jones (2012, pp.76-87) there are sweatshops in the countries that implies a variant working environment. In the times when the world is becoming increasingly sensitive about Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), the idea of sweatshops seems unacceptable. However, in third world countries and developing countries, it is a source of supporting the economy. In the context, Vietnam has shown unsatisfactory performance in assuming corporate codes of conduct (CoCs). The researches have indicated the two reasons behind this abuse. The first says that Northern Multinational Corporations (MNCs) have misperceived the control over their employees. The second says that conceptualizing of such relationships is considered as network of contradictory political and economic essentials out of several agents. The agents may include workers at factory, subcontractors, vendors and auditors.

Foreign Workers in Developed Countries are being exploited

In the second article about foreign workers in Malaysia, the author has highlighted the abusive treatment that is given to foreign workers. These workers usually come to earn money that makes them accept any sort of working terms and conditions. According to Crinis (2010, pp.589-611). The Sweatshops take their advantage and forget all about the inference of CSR in their developed country. Unfortunately, these countries ...
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