Essay On War Of 1812

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Essay on War of 1812

War of 1812


History is full events which are filled with the stories of bravery, courage and valor. The American Revolution is the promised to its nation the deliverance of equality, freedom, laws and justice and sovereignty. The war of 1812 was fought just after 30 years of independence from Great Britain. The war was fought in very bad circumstances both internally and externally. There was persisted tension between Great Britain and America; there were many issues to which have created a bone of contention between the two nations which include the impressments of American citizens into British navy. Thy British Army was making ongoing efforts to dominate the commerce and trade on high seas; these are few of the main reasons for the commencement of war of 1812. The determined president of America has named as the second as America second war of independence and it was authorized by Congress in 1812

The military of U.S has enjoyed only few victories and suffered from of defeats in the past decades. The tension of 1812 was declining the British government had pulled of their army men from France and made a strategy to occupy the resources of North America. They design the whole strategy tohold the economy of American in a gradual manner. They jeopardize the American by brutal invasion and set the white house afire in 1814. The British were then faced with serious repel from the Baltimore military unit and did the unrelenting bombardment at Fort McHenry. This gives them the sense of great pride and the commandos proudly wave their flag on Baltimore Harbor. After a final victory in the Battle of New Orleans, The Treaty of Ghent was authorized and the War of 1812 was authoritatively ended. No territory was approved on either side, and many of the problems which drove the onset of the war had been resolved by the time it was settled.


After the newly independence in 1783, United States found itself in a critical situation when British have ended their flag protection. The Americans were soon fallen in the prey of French pirates who hijacked the trade and commerce activities in naval routes. The harassment to Americans with forced impressments in British navy was continues by both British and French which instigate the American to take serious actions for the protection of their nation's economy. In addition, the need to fulfill the naval military of the British leads them to do impressment to cope their man power need.

Americans have celebrated their pride and dignity a after the successful after their noble victory. The victory has given them the sense of pride and makes them interested in forming their flag. The law has been passed to design the flag showing 13 stripes for the original colonies and stars depicting the number of states, each new star shows the joining of the new state. at present there are 50 stars in the flag. The fear from any invasion ...
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