Essay On Psychology

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Essay on Psychology

Essay on Psychology


Memory is a function of the brain and, simultaneously, a phenomenon of mind allowing the body to encode, store and retrieve information. Arises as a result of connections synaptic repetitive between neurons creating neural networks (called long-term potentiating). The memory can retain past experiences and, according to the temporal scope is classified conventionally: short-term memory (following the simple excitement of the synapse to temporarily reinforce or sensitize), medium-term memory and long-term memory (the result of a permanent strengthening of synapses through the activation of certain genes and the synthesis of proteins concerned (Becker & Morris 1999, p.96). However, in the context of the paper we intend to decipher different notions relating to the identified subjects in order to develop an effective and efficient understanding of the subject.


Multi-store Model of Memory

In the light of the pretext of the paper it would be safe to state that memory is a storage system information. As per the notions of the model identified above the fact tends to be stated that once the stimulus comes from external sources it tends to reach the individual records and is transformed into patronotes containing information. This is transmitted to the brain through the channels and is encoded for storage. Moreover, the multi-store model tends to propose the fact that information processing occurs in a sequential manner along three structures, those structures tends to be as follows:

Sensory Store

Short-term store

Long-term storage

In the pretext of the subject it is important to shed light on each of the stores in order to develop an effective and efficient understanding of the subject, plus to fulfil the requirements of the paper.

Sensory Store

Extremely brief, it is practically the same time perception of a stimulus by our sensory organs. Visual, sensory memory (also called iconic) has a persistence of 300 to 500 milliseconds. Auditory, sensory memory (or echoic) is not longer. With these visual and auditory stimuli, can be added perceptions captured by the other senses, but which seem to play a lesser role. So it is with the tactile, sensory memory.

Short-Term Store

Also, known as working memory (MT), it is a short-term memory which gives us the ability to retain, for a period of between one and several tens of seconds, up to 7 pieces of information average.

Long-Term Store

Unlike earlier that erases data, immediately after their treatment, long-term memory (LTM) stores information for a long time and even for life. With a capacity considerably, the MLT is the repository of our memories, our learning is a summary of our history.

Sensory Memory

Sensory memory is called the ability to retain impressions of sensory information after the original stimulus has ceased. Sensory Memory tends to restore the information for a very little time as the duration of the sensory memory tends to stretch to ¼ to ½ second. Moreover, the capacity of the sensory memory tends to revolve around the sensory experience. As far as the Encoding of the Sensory Memory is concerned it tends to be very sense ...
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