Essay About Medical Article

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Essay about Medical Article

Essay about Medical Article


It is a common observation that, in different countries, women are the main victim of domestic violence and men, in general, are involved in abusing women in the society, both domestically and outside the homes. In the scenario of domestic violence, there is a special argument related to women being shot dead or physically abused. Women in different countries have some kind of control over this abuse, according to the law; however, in practice and according to various researches the cases were entirely different with countries, where women are abused on a broader scale as compared to men; though the patterns of abuses and domestic violence vary (Mouzos & Makkai, 2004). This essay is based on the media article “Domestic Violence Demon” of August 11th, 2010, which was written by Steven Deare.


The Media Article

The media article headed as “Domestic Violence Demon” describes the occurrence of shootings in Holroyd, which took the attention of Maryland's news. There were two shootings were observed behind the closed doors, this statement was revealed by Mr. David Jones, who is senior crime manager of the area. He further revealed that there were seven shooting subjects observed during a year in the area. Most of the people think that major portion of the violence is considered as gang violence or shootings but the main problem of the violence lies inside homes. David Jones further reported that in the area of Holroyd, there is considerably high rate of domestic violence. 1120 domestic disputes were reported in the area.

In the article, it is also reported that David Jones was responsible for identifying crimes in the area and coordinating for responses. There were 26 staff members, working as detectives for intelligence and investigations. He informed that the rate of domestic violence was comparatively high in Holroyd; because it was multicultural area in which almost 100 nationalities were residing that belonged to different cultural backgrounds. It was also informed by him that most of the shooting and incidents of domestic violence are not reported in the newspapers, which put this issue behind.

Analyses of Language, Headlines and Images

The language used in the media article is mostly in the form of newspaper style, most of the sentences represent brief items, as informing as well as describing the facts about the particular area. The whole subject of discussion is described by the headline. It is clear from the headline that the incidents of domestic violence are the biggest problems of the area and 26 cops along with David Jones are working as detectives for investigating such types of incidents. There is only one image in the article, in which a cop is shown while sitting and talking on the phone .He is the senior crime manager at Holroyd.

Identification Relevant To Sociological Concepts

Violence against women is a social phenomenon in multiple and various dimensions. It is the expression of a social order based on the inequality as a result of the allocation ...
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