Essay 5

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Essay 5

Essay 5

My scholarships in the academics shaped my decision for the selection of undergraduate school; Dar-Al-Hakema is one of them. Dar-Al-Hakema was a motivation for me because I was a non-Saudi woman selected for the scholarship and allowed to pursue my undergraduate degree. In Saudi Arabia, usually women are discriminated and are given fewer opportunities in comparison to men but it never made me think of myself as inferior in any way and even motivated me to work harder than ever before to show everyone what we are capable of and what wonders we can do. Being a part of Dar-Al-Hakema was not only a remarkable achievement in Saudi Arabia but in my community as well because I was the only female from India who was selected and accepted into the undergraduate school at Dar-Al-Hakema. For four consecutive years of my undergraduate study, 100 percent of my tuition was paid by scholarships based on my academic merit. I graduated Summa Cum Laude.

In addition to my personal grooming and academic growth, my stay at DAH provided me with an opportunity to know different people with diverse cultural backgrounds and academic interests from all around the world. We became a team and added a lot to each other's knowledge regarding our cultural practices and way of life. We use to travel together as well, all such things kept on accumulating my knowledge.

I used to mentor students and assisted them in answering academic related questions. So, they can obtain leadership and interpersonal skills. I was elected as a member for the Alumni Board (2005-2007) and I've been working quite closely with the dean's office in Alumni Affairs. Just after my graduation I joined Deloitte and Touche. It was an opportunity for me to work in a multicultural environment. It also involved training and visiting different places which polished my people management skills as well as helped me in work related achievements. I know that this particular essay is supposed to address non-work related achievements, but I still feel that my stay at Deloitte and touché was more of a learning experience rather and a lesson of self improvement.

I was also selected as President of the Inter Collegiate Debate Team for three following terms, where the entire team of mine went undefeated. This boosted my confidence and transformed me into a very effective communicator in terms of making people understand ...
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