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It is difficult for us today to assign a feature of rationality, assuming the intelligibility of the world because it often refers to the formal properties of belief. It is all about good integration with other beliefs and convictions of intentional states. Donald Davidson is aware of the fact that a fully rational agents can differ, as to the recognized norms and values, and therefore insists on something that cannot be based on a lack of consensus as to the facts or standards. Only the criterion of internal consistency and coherence of individual entities subject to their approach and criteria for the breach of this criterion, we have to deal with various forms of senses or irrationality which include experience, perception, the given, sensation, sense data, self-deception, wishful thinking or madness. Beliefs, desires, intentions and some emotions are determined by their logical relationship to other intentional attitudes. For that reason, in view of Davidson irrationality does not consist of individual beliefs, but the lack of cohesion within the set of beliefs.


Good integration of beliefs must correspond to the formal standards of human cognition. However, the understanding of procedural rationality as compliance with the principles of deductive known as modus ponens, along with the basic principles of the theory of probability that the product can never be greater than the probability of its ingredients, it seems too restrictive and does not reflect our daily ways of defining beliefs.

Donald Davidson allows for the explanation of local and temporal inconsistencies thoughts and desires. It is caused by the fact that beliefs can be separated from each other, and in different compartments of the mind. In the case of the confrontation of conflicting beliefs, which may occur in the disclosure of the attitudes of self-deception, a rational person should make them more consistent. Rationality as coherence beliefs is not something we come in an empirical manner, but it is a rational background which is the assumption about the basic rationality of actors. We can only accept minor deviations from the consistency of beliefs, talking about rationality that makes sense if most of the beliefs are quite coherent. More serious breakdown of integrity completely deprive an entity belief, the activity ceases to aspire to such a role (Leonardi and Santambrogio, 1995).

In view of Davidson conclusion that is the only possible relationship between non conceptualized sensory experience, and a person's system of beliefs, is causal, it can ...