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Admission Essay

Admission Essay


It is easy to dream of what one wants to be or what career to chose. What matters is the degree of hard work, dedication and time one invests to attain the dream one has dreamt of. An individual's energies should be focused entirely on the goal. The roadmap of one's education, as well as a career, should be strategized in the light of one's goal.

Firstly, I strongly believe that it is people who make up the environment and getting in to a university like the Boston University is bound to have cultural diversity. On a personal level, I find cultural diversity to be the most vital and significant aspect of any university. Having people belonging to different regions and belonging to different caste, creed and religion will have different experiences to share. Hearing different experiences belonging to diverse backgrounds will be enlightening and will bring about a learning experience. I believe that it is not just the academic aspect that broadens the horizons but mingling with people who belong to diverse backgrounds also does it.

Secondly, the concept of Personal growth is bound to occur as it is inevitable. Every experience is a learning experience and occurs on a daily basis. What is crucial is the direction or the path it is on is what is of concern. I endorse the fact that having a culturally diverse environment will ensure meeting people who are like minded. When an individual is consistently surrounded with like minded people and with similarity in interests will ensure that one is in the desired direction and will broaden horizons in the right direction. The world has become highly globalized and it has become dynamic, as well. Considering the dynamism that exists being with culturally diverse individuals will ensure that ...
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