Eroticism In The Media

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Eroticism in the Media

Eroticism in the Media


Eroticism is ubiquitous in advertising. The individual advertising messages are increasingly difficult to be heard or seen in the general din. Many companies think they can sell their products better if they mix in their advertising a real touch of sex. However, there are a number of common misconceptions when it comes to assessing and classified advertising effects. Erotic depictions under all circumstances, especially in male targets, in absolutely every case achieve a high degree of attention and cause a strong activation. Male sexuality is now once optical trigger in the aisles (Wilkins & Christians, 2008, pp. 158-159).

The erotic advertising is a form of advertising that relies on sex appeal to attract the attention of the recipients. The expedient of eroticism can be congruent with the product advertised or may not have any relationship with the product, as in the case of fuel, spare parts mechanical or many types of food. The perception of advertising erotic, and the impact that this can have on the sensitivity of the recipients, however, varies depending on the type of person, the type of culture, and the historical period. In this paper we will study the historical and cultural differences of eroticism in advertisement. Moreover this paper will discuss the concepts behind the use of eroticism in the advertisement moreover, the effects of eroticism in the promotion of a product through advertisement. Furthermore, this paper will also highlight is disadvantages of eroticism for advertisement (Dines & Humez, 2010, pp. 86-87).


The concept of advertising erotica is relative to the fact that advertising is perceived by a person as leveraging on the sex appeal depends on several variables, just as there are various ways by the advertising to leverage the sex-appeal. Therefore, in order to proceed to a definition of advertising, erotica is necessary to first describe the ways in which organizations can leverage the lure of sex and erotic charm is a predominant factor (Schroeder, 2002, pp. 130-131).

Historical Differences for Eroticism

In the perception of the sex appeal of advertising, the historical differences come into play because even if the meaning and functions of images or words as bearers of eroticism depends on the customs and aesthetic taste of a given society, these have not always been the same over time (Streitmatter, 2004, pp. 234).

In the West, the use of the nude advertising posters at the end of nineteenth century and early twentieth century, had an expressive value and generally asexual that refers to ideas of solemnity, strength, holiness, grace their of classical Greek or Roman, and usually had little to do with sex-appeal (Barrie, 2002, pp. 3).

The first timid attempts at eroticism was made in 1940s with a chaste and just allusive use of the face and body products for women of all Orthodox as cosmetics or socks. However, it was in the seventies that sex broke into advertising, following the profound social changes of those years. During 1971-1975, many products were advertised in erotic dressings or ...
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