Erectile Dysfunction

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Erectile dysfunction


The vast majority of men experience at some time or other such periods without their life or their partner is not disturbed so far. Erectile dysfunction affects approximately 20% of men aged 50 to 59 years, a proportion that increases with age and disease. The fact remains that a healthy man can remain sexually active into old age. In this paper, we try to focus on the physiological and psychological causes and precedents of erectile dysfunction in men. Then, this paper will delve into the advances that have been made in preventing erectile dysfunction. Lastly, this paper will explore the ramifications that erectile dysfunctions treatment and cures have on the majority of men affected by it.

Erectile dysfunction


When a doctor suspects that psychological factors are involved in either type of sexual dysfunction, he will advise his patient to consult a sexologist. In Quebec, most sex therapists in private practice. There may be individual or couple sessions. These sessions will help calm the frustration and marital conflict or tension caused by difficulties experienced in sexual life. They also help to increase self-esteem, often mistreated in such cases. There are five main approaches to sex therapy: The cognitive-behavioral therapy, which aims to break the vicious cycle of negative thoughts toward sexuality by identifying these thoughts and trying to defuse them; the systems approach, which focuses on the interaction of spouses and their effect on their sex life; the analytical approach, which attempts to resolve internal conflicts cause sexual problems by analyzing the imaginary and erotic fantasies; the existential approach, where it leads the person to discover their perceptions of their sexual difficulties and more about themselves; the sexocorporelle approach, which takes into account the inextricable links body - emotions - intellect, and a satisfying sex is both a personal and relational (Jones, 2003).


Pudendal nerve compression syndrome, also known as Alcock syndrome, is a cluster of symptoms most commonly described in long-distance or long-term bicyclists. It is chiefly characterized by varying degrees of decreased sensation of the perineum, decreased glandular and penile sensation, weakened/absent erections, diminished/difficult orgasms, and occasional voiding symptoms. In this entry, perineal numbness and pain syndromes from injury to the pudendal nerve are discussed, particularly as they relate to erectile dysfunction (ED).

In recent years, many advances have been made in the understanding and medical treatment of ED. Classically, male sexual function has been defined in terms of the “point-and-shoot” model, with sacral parasympathetic (point) enervation responsible for erection and sympathetic (shoot) enervation responsible for ejaculation. However, this represents an oversimplification of the complex and somewhat ill-defined sensory, psychogenic, and motor pathways and interconnections orchestrating male sexual function. Proper function requires regulation and timing of voluntary and involuntary processes such as arousal, erection, pre-ejaculatory stiffing, orgasm, and ejaculatory peristalsis. Often the somatic sensory contribution, derived mostly from the pudendal nerve, is overlooked. A degraded perineal neurovascular supply can greatly diminish or abolish response to medical therapy. Along these lines, perineal paresthesia from any of several causes is often linked to ...
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