Er Physicians And Stress Situations

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ER Physicians and Stress Situations


In a medical emergency, people put their trust and their lives in the hands of hospitals. In most cases, the immediate need for health care is handled in an appropriate manner by the emergency room of a hospital. When you have the right staff and well managed, the ER saves lives by providing the initial diagnosis, treatment and stabilization for various serious diseases. Unfortunately, emergency rooms do not always have a good staff and are well managed. When the process is out of control, mistakes and patients suffer the devastating consequences. Errors in emergency care may constitute medical malpractice and if you happened to this, may be entitled to compensation for damages. Feelings of stress are caused by instinct that the body has to defend itself. This instinct is good in emergencies, such as getting out of the way if a car coming at high speed. But stress can cause physical symptoms if it continues for a long time, for example, in response to the challenges of everyday life and change. Among other stressful situations are a job layoff, when your child leaves the house or return to it, the death of a spouse, divorce or marriage, an illness, an injury, a job promotion, money problems, moving, or the birth of a child.

ER Physicians and Stress Situations


An emergency physician is a physician who works at an emergency division to look after intensely sick patients. The emergency physician is a pro in developed cardiovascular life backing (progressed life help in Europe), trauma mind, for example, breaks and delicate tissue damages, and administration of other life-debilitating circumstances. In some European nations (e.g. Germany, Belgium, Poland, Austria and Denmark), emergency physicians are likewise a piece of the emergency medicinal administration and are dispatched together with Emts and paramedics in instances of possibly life-debilitating circumstances for patients (heart ambushes, genuine mishaps, revivals or obviousness, strokes, medication overdoses, and so forth.). In the United States, emergency physicians are basically healing facility based, yet they frequently deal with air ambulances and portable concentrated consideration units. Assuming that the patient is conceded to the doctor's facility, an alternate physician, for example, a cardiologist or neurologist assumes control from the emergency physician (Mennin, 2013).

The work in emergency and hospital emergency services can be satisfying and a source of pleasure, but often tiring and source of suffering. This study aims to identify the causative factors of pleasure and suffering in the daily life of a team working in an emergency service. The work in the urgency and emergency hospital services can be satisfactory and source of pleasure, but, many times, tiring and source of suffering. This study has the objective to identify the Causing factors of pleasure and suffering in the daily queue day of the team acts in an emergency service. Work organization exerts specific about humans whose impact is felt in the psychic apparatus action. To understand the relationship between man and the notion of psychic work load is a hypothesis ...