Equity And Trust

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Equity and Trust

Equity and Trust


Regarding the object of such administration, i.e. the Justice , A brief inquiry requires us to join our voice to many doctrinaires on the subject, if not that of all of them, who agree that probably no other concept has been so from such different treatment and angles by mankind throughout its history, since the mere semantic of the word turns out to be extremely versatile: it has a biblical meaning, theological, philosophical, legal, justice, social, political, ethical, religious and moral among others, which prevent the utterance of a single definition or at least general consensus in such a direction. Yet from his idea and next, which is emanating from the natural intuition of the common man, we know that has always been and will this be a goal for the whole human society. The law is a cultural product, the materialization of an idea that allows the existence of man in society and, thus, its realization as an individual (Sinai & Gyourko, 2004, 1543-1566).

In law, expression of this law is to insist the concept of justice in society that governed, which means that the body settles, when applied in the resolution of a conflict in principle being just . But does the state permission to justice is administered in Equity, Misnamed “in consciousness” as end, allowing its application in a way that is not restricted to content laws (Jensen et al., 2003, 5-46). The concept differs, then, and his notes differentiating the attempt to explain in the paragraphs concerning the concept of equity. Surpassed the original forms to provide it (private revenge, law of retaliation, etc..), with socio-cultural development and its reflection on the evolution of the law Public legal mechanisms were set up for delivery by the judicial branch, initially exclusive repository of that part of the power state. The administration of justice based on the use of mechanisms of traditional stamp contained in the procedural rules for many reasons, began to suffer from various shortcomings in the various jurisdictions (Hayn, 2009, 121-153).


There are two hundred equity Real Estate Investment trust (REIT) on the NAREIT member list of 1996. On the corresponding list for 2006, one hundred thirty five REITs appear, reflecting a decline in the total REIT population of sixty five firms over an eleven-year period. Yet these numbers obscure the true degree of change in the overall REIT population. Of the two hundred REITs appearing on the 1996 NAREIT list, only seventy three reappear on the 2006 list, and thus the remaining sixty two are new REITs. This means that the total number of firms that exit the REIT cohort during this eleven-year interval is one hundred twenty seven, over one-half of the total 1996 equity REIT population (Mcintosh et al., 2001, 141-155).

These numbers imply that the process of exiting from the REIT population has important implications for REIT management, and for investors. Yet this process has been largely neglected in the literature to ...
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