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Table of Contents

Integrative Commentary1

Organization of my work2

The academic background2

My life3

My dream3

Personal reflection on the ePortfolio experience5

Personal Professional Development Plan6

Knowledge of the discipline6

Assessment skills6

Intervention skills6

Research & Evaluation6

Ethics & Professional Practice7

Issues identified in the workplace, business or community7


Personal Constraints8




Integrative Commentary

They can conquer who believe they can. This is my personal statement. I think if you truly want to achieve something, nothing on this earth can prevent you. The ePortfolio that I have created consists of my ambition in life of becoming a psychologist. This seems like an ordinary mission in life as many may want to become a psychologist, an architect, a doctor or an engineer. My purpose in life is different from them in that I do not just want to be a psychologist because i am a student of psychology. I want to be a psychologist because I have a purpose to serve. In building my ePortfolio, I began by reflecting on my life, the past, present and the future as I want to see it. I took out my personal diary. This is one habit that my mother instilled in me since I was a child. She taught me how to write a diary. I have the habit of writing diary every night before I go to bed.

For developing my portfolio, I opened my diary, and went through memories of my childhood. I was born in Zambia and I saw my countrymen facing various health issues. Seeing people face problems at a very young age has left a deep mark on me. The images have stayed with me for a long time now. The people in my country faced many health related issues such as typhoid, malaria, cholera, pneumonia, flu and many other diseases. Moreover, HIV AIDS has spread among them. What is most astonishing to me is the fact that the societal reaction to this illness has turned it into a taboo.

I have been very honest in developing my ePortfolio. When I first enrolled into the psychology program at Edith Cowan University, I did not know exactly why I wanted to do majors in psychology, but over time, my opinion about my career and my purpose in life has changed considerably.

Organization of my work

I have organized my ePortfolio into three categories. I have discussed my educational background and my work experience, my life and how it has impacted in shaping my dream of becoming a psychologist and finally my dream and the underlying reason why I am so ambitious about achieving it.

The academic background

Since I want to become a psychologist, it was important to discuss my academic background. I did my high school from South Africa and Lusaka after which I took up a job. The job helped me develop skills necessary for success in any profession. My problem solving skills improved considerably. I learned many things during my early career about HIV AIDS and moved onto becoming a student of psychology. I learned the different terms in psychology, and found ...
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