Epistemologies Reaction Paper

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Epistemologies Reaction Paper

Epistemologies Reaction Paper


An individual continues learning regardless of his age or level of life (Sessa, 2006). One major reason of existence of this fact can be continuous functioning of human mind. Learning is enhanced by education, whether formal or informal. The entire process of education assists people to gain new knowledge and achieve a way to interpret the past experience and current situation. Many educational psychologists have affirmed that presumptions about knowledge and knowing are of great significance in the process of learning.


When I commenced my masters program, I had a blurred thought about what I desired to gain from this program. In initial days, I thought I would conduct and present a research or a reaction paper on the rational history and theories of education. I began to reveal on the notion of knowledge. By the time passed, I developed a comprehensive knowledge and understanding about what I would be achieving from this entire program and courses. Writing and searching particularly about this reaction paper reflected some important information and background of the topic.

The branch of philosophy known as 'epistemology', as I comprehend it, is the study of human belief, knowledge, reasoning and thoughts. The historical investigation of epistemology is the historical investigation of attempts to attain theoretical knowledge or understanding of the scope and nature of human knowledge. As attempts to achieve that kind of perceptive have a history, the questions epistemology asks at present time about human knowledge are not essentially the same as they were in historical times.

In order to comprehend student's process of learning, it is necessary to study student's epistemological knowledge. It is very uncommon that an education system is operating perfectly with no challenges and issues hindering the stride of development. With the passing time, education issues are getting bigger. These issues specifically relate to staff, teachers and students, such as low efficiency teachers and their weak relationship with students, colleagues and administration. Issues related to students include, weak education achievement and behavioral problems. Lastly, staff and administration experiences issues like get the job done properly and their relationship with colleagues and management.

Objective of the Reaction Paper

This reaction paper intends to explain a comprehensive understanding on epistemology. It also demonstrates an understanding of two different epistemologies; 'logical positivism', and 'hermeneutics.' It portrays a practical scenario for each epistemology and represents application of epistemologies in describing how to approach and resolve the issue in a situation. Furthermore, my personal preferences for implementation of epistemologies when acquiring and using knowledge is presented. A brief overview, as an educational leader, of importance of understanding different ways of knowing is also described.

Thesis Statement

A developmental perspective of Epistemology represents a framework, in which people interpret the origins and nature of knowledge, of worth, and of liability in a logical and sequential process. Two different ways on knowing, and epistemological reflection in two different situations are various aspects this comparative essay.


Observing myself as an educational leader urges me to create a suitable environment for ...
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