Environmental Sustainable Development

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Environmental Sustainable Development


This research study is an attempt to study the effects that Statoilhas on the the environment of the country and even the world. Oil and gas have a significant impact on the environment of a country and mostly, this impact is negative as they are toxic to all the living beings. Oil also known as petroleum is closely related to the virtual aspects that are present in the society, especially, for heating that is done for both house and commercial activities and transportation. Oil and gas can lead to a number of negative impacts on the environment of a country and even the world. Since Benzene is present in gasoline and crude oil, it causes in toxicity which can lead to leukemia in human beings. This research study has adopted a secondary research method. Secondary research method is a method that helps to gather information for the purpose of successfully completing a research work. Diversified sources are available for obtaining the secondary data.


Background of the Study4

Company Profile: Statoil4

Environment and Sustainability5

Environmental Procedures6

Environmental and Social Practices7

Statoil Oil Spill and Effects on Environment9

Oil Spill Effects on Brown Pelicans11

Corporate Reputation Strategy12


Environmental Sustainable Development

Background of the Study

Oil is a vital resource that has brought our civilization to its current state of development. In the United States of America, oil and gas are still the primary natural resource that sustains our daily economy and transportation, hence the inherent danger that is associated with its collection, transportation and use are risks that must be properly managed (Ohreen, 2010, p. 48). Since perfection is hard to reach and maintain in the oil industry, the only backup that can protect us and the environment from possible catastrophic events are based on first-rate engineering and reliable response systems that provide preventive measures as well as prepared responses for the case where an accident is impending. This is done as a way to balance the risk associated with the production of oil right from its cradle (production at oil rigs) to its grave (end users such as the American consumers). For this reason, up-to-date technology and proper human organization is necessary to reduce the chance of accidents and also diminish their effects in the environment (Maas & Hox, 2005, p. 85).

Company Profile: Statoil

Statoil is a multinational company of gas and oil and its headquarters in the United Kingdom. It is the 3rd biggest organisation of energy and 4th biggest company in the world on the basis of revenues in the year 2011 (Epstein and Buonocare, 2011, p. 73). Statoil is integrated vertically and is operating in almost all the areas of gas and oil sector, which includes, production, exploration, distribution, refining, marketing, distribution, power generation, trading and petro chemicals. It also involves activities of renewable energy in wind power and bio fuels (Gartner, 2005, p. 63).

Statoil has its operations in more than 80 countries of the world and it produces approximately 3.4 million barrels of oil everyday and has almost 21,800 stations of services ...
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