Environmental Regulations

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Environmental Regulations

Environmental Regulations

Part 1

While the world is unfolding struggle to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, energy development in the world is increasingly focused on coal - the dirtiest fossil fuel. For example, projected in the fuel balance of Italy in the next 5 years, the share of coal will increase from 14% to 33%. The largest power company Enel country will produce 50% of its electricity from coal-fired stations. Article in The New York Times urges the international community to pay attention to plans for European countries to change the fuel mix in favor of coal. According to experts of the newspaper (U.S. scientists), plans for the Europeans - it is nothing less than a knife in the back of humanity, fighting against global warming. The use of coal fired power plants would mean that the power plant will throw carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, which in turn will pollute the environment and as a result would affect the overall health of the community (Schobert, 2002).

CO2 or Carbon Dioxide is created by burning fossil fuels such as oil, natural gas, diesel and coal. Emissions of Carbon Dioxide - CO2 have increased dramatically in the last 50 years and continue to rise, are quite large emissions of CO2 Carbon Dioxide by country. This contaminant gas, carbon dioxide, may remain in the atmosphere for 80 to 200 years. According to recent research, unimaginable catastrophic changes in the environment are expected to occur if global temperatures rise more than 2 °C (3.6 °F). A warming of 2 °C (3.6 °F) corresponds to a concentration of about carbon dioxide (CO2) of 450 ppm (parts per million) in the atmosphere (Schobert, 2002). Currently (according to statistics of 2007) CO2 concentration is about 380 ppm and the concentration is estimated that carbon dioxide will increase 2 to 3 ppm per year. There seems to be possible to avoid the most devastating effects on our environment and climate change. Furthermore, there is also an immediate effect of CO2 gas on the health of the individuals living in the society (Solomon, 2007).

Therefore, in order to reduce the emission of carbon dioxide gas and to protect our environment from this dangerous gas, it is important for us to take necessary measures, when thinking of building a coal fired power plant. New power plants operating on coal should be built only with the use of technology "capture hydrocarbons", which allows the carbon dioxide gas to be pumped into the ground and thereby achieve a zero emissions of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Coal is the dirtiest source of energy of all fossil fuels and has severe impacts on the environment, as well as, the health of the individuals (Solomon, 2007). These negative consequences can be avoided by the use of the capture hydrocarbons technology. It will help prevent over-reliance on imported gas. It was recently approved construction of 8-power plants - coal-fired thermal power plants first in Britain over the past 30 years. However, due to the entry into force of ...
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