Environmental Quality International In Siwa

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Environmental Quality International in SIWA

Environmental Quality International in SIWA

Answer 1

The purpose of Environment Quality International is to provide advisory services, implement commercial ventures for economic development, drawing old wisdom, traditional skills and creativity in order to attract other communities around the world.

EQI was established in the year 1981 as a private partnership with the purpose of providing environmental consulting services. With rapid growth, EQI adopted several professional skills that are needed to design and implement competitive strategies that enable the community to deal with environmental challenges. It adopted new approach to inspire other communities by creative and traditional models of sustainable development and complement them with modern trends and style in order to draw attention of people around the world.

EQI started its activities with few employees in the beginning with an in-house group of workers including people possessing skills related to management, communication, social and environmental science. It further enhances its expertise in other areas like governance, agriculture, ecotourism and microfinance. Today, EQI is called as a service company having 200 employees working with their expertise in the development of the region (Environmental Quality International, 2012).

Answer 2

The stakeholders include customers, local community, local authorities, the government, the NGOs and investors who are interested in EQI operations and activities. The employees are working under a team consisting of different expertise and variety of fields. Its clients include Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), International Finance Corporation (IFC), agriculture farmers and other investors who played major role in upgrading EQI's functions and operations. IFC provides funds to the expansion of EQI under the co0ntrol of Siwa initiative in four major projects: eco-tourism, agriculture, Siwan artisanship and energy. On the other hand, CIDA supports EQI in upgrading local initiatives and women's handicrafts.

The issues among stakeholders are high diversification among employees ...