Environmental Problems

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Environmental Problems Changing People's Behaviour

Environmental Problems Changing People's Behaviour


The main purpose of this paper is to discuss the different environmental problems that require people to change their behaviour (Bloom, 2004, p. 34). These environmental problems may be the climate change. This paper conducts a study to make a conclusion on the issue that what motivates the citizens of a small town to change their behaviour (Miller, 20076, p. 67). The phenomenon called "climate change" implies a gradual rise in global temperatures, increased rainfall in vast areas of the globe and increased frequency of extreme weather events (storms, droughts, floods, etc.).. The economic, social and health of this change, in fact, we are living are enormous and are described in other articles, in this issue (Hanley, 20001, p. 41). Climate change may lead to depressive reactions and states of post-traumatic stress experienced by the large population exposed to weather, this phenomenon has been examined by American psychologists and Susan Clayton Thomas Doherty, the College of Wooster, has been published in the journal American Psychologist (Cain, 20073, p. 37).

There is a clear impact of climate change on psychological balance of individuals. The effects can be directly related to catastrophic weather events such as hurricanes and flooding rains cause, but the result is also derived from the distressing idea that the natural environment is undergoing changes under the gaze of a humanity that seems unable to stop process (Hanley, 20001, p. 41). They call this "environmental anxiety". This paper discusses that how does the climate change affects the behaviours of people in a town (Brimblecombe, 2007, p. 45).

Literature Review

There are different environmental problems that require people to change their behaviours. One of these problems is climate change. Climate change affects the people and the environment. It helps people in changing their behaviours in such a way that if the climate is good then people seem to be happy and enjoying (Cain, 20073, p. 37). The main thing is the health impact (Brimblecombe, 2005, p. 429). The severe climate brings so many diseases with it and due to which the health of people gets affected. With climate change, nature seems to be in full boil, flowers, plants, trees, and melting, sky blue, gray, and cold, heat, all this is an explosion of life (Brimblecombe, 2007, p. 45). For example, high temperatures or large heat waves, increased light intensity, increased daylight hours, changes in humidity and atmospheric pressure, people will experience drastic changes over the common and too much stress, tiredness, weakness, physical and intellectual decay, drowsiness, difficulty concentrating, apathy and neglect (Brimblecombe, 2005, p. 18). The people were powerless to start the day and even with a very humble mood, with all these changes leading to an emotional drain, physical and psychological. From the standpoint, of psychology fatigue is attributed to a cluster of environmental factors provided by the vulnerability caused by stress or poor quality of life (Brimblecombe, 2005, p. 429).

Cities with colder climates experience more heat-related deaths due to melting glaciers and ...
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