Environmental Impact Assessment Exercise

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Environmental Impact Assessment Exercise

Environmental Impact Assessment Exercise


The topic under study includes Environmental impact assessment exercise of any environmental setting. For this purpose, I have chosen to perform environmental assessment in Antarctica.

We cannot continue to ignore the growing impact of human activities on the environment on which we belong. They must be aware of the dangers of indiscriminate exploitation of natural resources (fisheries, forests, soils, rivers, minerals, hydrocarbons), and the risk posed by overloading the capacity of the land to absorb waste (pollution air and water, acid rain, solid waste, toxic waste). As a result of all this, environmental considerations have come to occupy a prominent place in development strategies and policies in virtually every country in the world.

Environmental impact assessment is one of the basic tools of environmental management in development processes, which reflect the principle of sustainable development. Procedure for Environmental Impact Assessment is to provide decision-maker about whether the interference in the investment environment has been planned in an optimal manner and whether the benefits of its implementation compensate for losses in the environment, which usually are impossible to avoid. The environment is here understood not only as a natural environment, but also as a social environment (Gilpin, 1995, p.137).

Environmental Impact Assessment

It is the technical study of interdisciplinary nature, which incorporated in the EIA procedure, aims to predict, identify, assess and address the environmental consequences or effects that certain actions can cause the quality of life of man and his environment. It is a document to be submitted by the developer; this study should identify, describe and assess properly the foreseeable significant effects the project would produce about the environmental aspects.


This is the stage of information search and diagnosis, involving the collection of information necessary and sufficient for understanding the operation of medium ...
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