Environmental Forces

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Environmental Forces

Environmental forces that promote social change


Under the category, of "change" refers to the process of movement and interaction of objects and phenomena of the transition from one state to another, the onset of the new features, functions and relations.” In sociology, the term "social change" is used. Before you understand in what sense this term is used in sociology and what is its sociological content, you need to make some adjustments (Bell, 2008).

First, the concept of "social change" for us is unusual, more common is the notion of "social development". It is cultivated in our country for many years and in the social sciences and practical politics. However, this concept characterizes a definite social change, have oriented towards improvement, complications, and improvement. There are many other changes that are impossible to recognize changes in the direction of improvement. For example, the emergence, formation, growth, decline, loss, transition, transition state. These changes do not carry either a definite or a negative sense. They are not directed towards progress or regress in the direction. The concept of "social change" covers a comprehensive range of social change, regardless of their orientation.

Social changes cannot be understood as any general changes in society, i.e. it must make a distinction between social changes. Changes related to any area of society - economic, political, spiritual, and social changes directly. When we talk about social change in the sociological sense, it refers to a change in the sphere which is the subject of sociology. This change in social systems, social stratification, social communities, social processes, institutions, organizations, and their interaction (Gee, 2004).

The sociological approach to social change can be illustrated by the structural and functional analysis of T. Parson. It found that: 1) are constant changes in intra-, because the very balance of the social system is not fixed and permanent disturbance of the balance relations and their reproduction, and 2) changes in the system are influenced by both internal and external factors. Category of the model of social change - the voltage that makes the emergence of imbalances in the relationship between the structural elements of the social system. In the case of strong tension control mechanisms of the social system cannot cope with the task of maintaining the balance of relations, which leads to the destruction of the structure (Gee, 2004).

Thus, the concept of "social change" refers to a variety of changes occurring over time in social communities, groups, institutions, organizations and societies in their relations with each other, as well as individuals. In other words, social change - is the transition of the social object from one state to another, any modification in the social organization of society, its social institutions and social structure, established patterns of behavior in him.

Such changes may be made at the level of interpersonal relationships (e.g, changes in the structure and functions of the family) at the level of organizations and institutions (education, science constantly subject to change and in terms of content and in terms of their ...
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