Environmental Factors

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Environmental Factors

Environmental Factors


Every single organization has their own rules, regulations and guidelines that help them to make a decision over their employees, global as well as domestic decisions of marketing and environmental factors. Green Home Company can be affected by the internal and external analysis. Internal and external analysis of an organization are the analysis of target market for a company that helps for the organization to understand which factors should be addressed in the aim of organization goods and services success of a company. Even the major companies like Green Home are also affected by these factors. While it is considering that the importance of major factors that affecting organization marketing plan are need to note that market and environment are very complicated in the majority of instance that ever change.

Located in San Francisco, the heart of both the environmental and cleantech industries, Greenhome.com is the original online ecostore. Success in the every organization whether it is at a personal level, private or governmental level will be impacted from environmental actors. The organizations which are engaged in trading will experience that their decisions of marketing influence not just on the domestic level but also at international level. This paper will focus on Green Home as an organization whose decision of marketing are affecting by the environmental factors. The domestic and the environmental factors that might affect the organization technology and marketing decision will be addressed in this paper. In the final conclusion of this essay will analyze the importance of ethics and social responsibility that are related to the Green Home marketing offers. An organization has demonstrated the capacity and ability to trade successfully not just on the domestic market but global market as well. There are some higher level domestic and the environmental factors which could impact possibly on Green Home decisions of marketing which includes the influence of economic, regulatory requirements, globalization, direct competition, political climate and demographic environment. In this essay, we will discuss some of these factors in detail with the context of Green Home.


When we are analyzing the economic factor this is a necessary consideration that must given the dynamic which involves that which countries company choose for trade. All the members of the World Trade Organization (WTO) obligated the rules of regulations which are consisting on provision which should be allocated for the domestic production. The agreement has the force that all the trading nations dismantling any type of preferential treatment which is existed for prior signing and resulting to all requirements. All the members' nations have equal opportunities to trade all around the part of the world, but trade from some countries has been reduced. The other competing business in the clean tech industry such as Green Works which is a part of Coro lox company has sets their entities throughout the world this is mean that there is lesser growth for Green Home for establishment their market due to target only US and Canadian ...
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