Environmental And Social Sustainability

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Environmental and Social Sustainability

Environmental and Social Sustainability


Sustainability is the main element which needs to be considered while developing any product. The idea of sustainability in the development and production of any product has captured significant attention sine the period of last half century. The professionals and manufactures and every industrial sector is focusing towards the social and environmental sustainability (Kates, 2011). The sustainability in development will lead the society to heights and it will be beneficial for the social and environmental conditions of the world. There has been a considerable focus on the current trends towards the implementation and integration of sustainability in the process of development. Different industries and corporations are required to increase and maintain sustainable means of environmental and social development (Kates, 2011).


Due to the advent and necessity of sustainability in environmental and social development, there has been the emergence of sustainability science in the 21st century. The sustainability science is the advance fundamental understanding of the human-environment system's dynamics. It helps in facilitating the implementation, evaluation and design of practical interventions that support and encourage sustainability in specific contexts and places (Kates, 2011). The sustainability science also assists in improving the linkages between innovation communities and relevant research as well as management communities and relevant policies. The field of sustainability science has been emerging sine the period of last two decades. The sustainability science has become a vibrant field of innovation and research (Kates, 2011). At present, the field of sustainability science has developed main research agenda, a rising number of universities and an increasing flow of results to teaching its findings and methods. The sustainability science ensures the transition towards sustainability in order to improve capacity of the society to utilize the earth in such ways which help in meeting the necessities of larger and stabilizing human population (Kates, 2011).

Major Social and Environmental Issues

The world is currently going through several different and serious issues which are needed to be sorted out. There are several social and environmental issues that the world is experiencing currently. The social and environmental issues can have adverse impacts and affects on the prospects and performance of any organization (Moran, 2011). Similarly, there can be adverse effects of these social and environmental issues on the delivery of nurse's services in the rural areas among native population. There are several social and environmental issues which are required to be resolved (Moran, 2011). These issues include climate change, water quality and scarcity, food safety and production, demographics, urbanization, population growth, air pollution, energy, human safety and human health, poverty, human rights, waste management and waste, corruption, social unrest, biodiversity loss, soil and forest degradation, volcanic eruptions and earthquakes (Moran, 2011).

To maintain hiring and retention of nurses in rural areas for the provision of health care to the native population in rural areas will help in protecting human health. It will consequently help in protecting human rights of native population of rural areas (Moran, 2011).

Role of Nurse's Retention and Sustainability Sciences

The retention ...