Environment Ethic In The Government Of The United States

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Environment ethic in the Government of the United States

Environment ethic in the Government of the United States


There is a growing concern over the issue that is there any environment ethic in the United States. To argue on this issue it is proved from a thorough research that there is well defined environment ethic in the government of United States. Environment ethics is the restraint of philosophy that involves the ethical connection of human beings to the environment and its other essential components. Environmental ethics can be defined as the system of making a fine control over the relationship between the people as well as the governmental authorities and the environment. This paper covers the study which can prove that there is a well systematic environment ethic in the government of United States and there many environmental agencies working under the obedience of National policy act of 1970. It also discusses the workings of conservation agencies and the agencies which are engaged in exploiting natural resources. The paper throughout contains the detailed study of environment ethic in the United States.

Thesis statement

“In the government of United States, there is a clear environment ethic as it is thoroughly reviewed from the statutes, policy statements and agency missions”.



To argue with the given statement, there is a fact presented after a very thorough study and it is confirmed that the environment ethic in the government of United States is very much well defined. These well defined ethics are also protected and practiced effectively to reduce the damage in the environment. The government as well many agencies are very much concerned about the growing adversities in the environment. The growing damages in the environment have very deep affect over the whole world as well as the United States. As the United States is counted in one of the most carbon dioxide emitter of the world and therefore, the United States is held more responsible for controlling and watching the issues regarding the environment, especially in the country. There are certain agencies, statutes and policy statements given by the government of United States which are giving complete cover of protection to the maintaining and preserving the environment ethic as well as implementing them in a very effective way (US EPA, 2010).

Argument from the review of statutes, policy statements and agency missions

There are many statutes, policy statements and agency mission set for the preservation of environment ethic in the United States. The government has taken very keen steps for making it confirm that the ethic of environment prevails in the United States of America. There has been much debate on this issue that weather the United States is having environment ethic in their governmental policy. It is a wrong perception that United States is violating the environment (IEMTF, 1995). The true picture is totally different from the false perception and it depicts that the government of United States is taking a keen interest in formulizing the code of conduct in order to shape of those formulated ethics of ...
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