Entrepreneurship And Enterprise

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Entrepreneurship and Enterprise


The concept of entrepreneur is closely linked to the concept of enterprise, conceived as socio-economic reality (Chaston, 2000).

Characteristics of Entrepreneurs

Need for achievement, Locus of Control, Decisive, Urgent, Need for power, Assuming Personal Responsibility and Grip on reality


An enterprise is an organization, institution or industry engaged in activities or prosecution for economic or business to meet the needs of goods and services of the plaintiffs. It has been noticed that, in practice, one can find a variety of definition of the term. That appears to be due, at least in part, despite its apparent simplicity, the concept is complex.

Macroeconomic Policies support to Enterprise

There are some important elements which can support the enterprise and exist in the market. These important elements are discussed below:

Macroeconomic stability is necessary for every enterprise including: stable fiscal policy regime, stable exchange rate and low and stable inflation rate

Tax rates are simple and low

There is Laissez Faire

There is easy access to public sector markets

Create an enterprise culture including: innovation, positive attitude towards risk and pursuit of profit.

Microeconomic policies support to Enterprise

There are some microeconomic policies which support the entrepreneurship:

Information, Training, advice and promotion of entrepreneurship

There is easy access to finance

There is easy to access to technology

Good physical infrastructure

Policies and Limitations Support To Enterprise

There are some policies and limitations which support to enterprise:

It has low efficiency include: cost of support to benefit of support

There is further distortion in market such as: cheap credit

There is lack of up to date information

There are low skills of technical business

It is more emphasis on targets

It has difficulty in enhancing total net output

There are very complex and slow policies and decision making


Marketing is a complex endeavor. Markets are changing at unprecedented speed and in unpredictable ways. The only certainty is that nothing is certain. The multitude of media, competitors, channels of distribution, and marketplace clutter make it a real challenge to place a specific product or service successfully on the market .Technological development and globalization have brought up an unprecedented level of commercial opportunity but also the unprecedented level of competition for the companies. Such dynamics had a strong impact on development of marketing as a discipline (Deakins & Freel, 2005).

Marketing Approaches

In this day is devoting to the understanding of market actors with particular emphasis on buyers and sellers. With regard to approaches marketing various types may be mentioned:

Product marketing ...
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