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Apple has changed the technological world. It has gone a mile ahead of all other companies. It certainly deserves to be the leading company, because of the hard work that the founders have put in and because they have achieved success. Apple has struggled a lot since its establishment. It is not that it was successful just when it was founded, but it has worked quite hard to achieve success. Its founder, Steve Jobs has played a major role in making the company what it is today. The company is known for innovation, and the mastermind behind innovation is no one but Steve Jobs (Hisrich, 2010).

The company's entrepreneurial culture is innovation. Each and every product of Apple is an example of the company's entrepreneurial culture, innovation. Every employee of the company works towards the entrepreneurial culture and has succeeded in doing so. The management of Apple makes sure that every employee is working towards innovation so that the company does not lose its position in the market as the innovator. The employees are encourages to bring in innovation in the company and are motivated to work towards it.

The entrepreneurial culture in my organization is a bit different. My company's main aim is to be the market leader in the pharmaceutical industry; therefore, it encourages workers to work towards the goal. People in my organization are motivated to work towards the main goal of the company, and they are workers who contribute extra ordinarily towards the goal are rewarded. This promotes the entrepreneurship culture (Freytag & Thurik, 2009). People who do are unable to contribute due to various reasons are left disappointed; hence do not work towards the goal wholeheartedly.

Entrepreneurship has adverse affects on the workforce. Companies that are moving towards advanced technologies require fewer workforces now. This can be a good ...
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