Enterprise Project

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Enterprise Project

Enterprise Project

Product and competitive environment

The Business Plan is a document that contains detailed plans for the launch or development of existing business. This document is used to describe the business objectives and strategies, as well as providing financial planning and marketing plans. The original product is JTA coffee shop. This shop would be offering coffee and related snacks and contrasting drinking and eating items. Before the opening of the JTA coffee shop, and during the first months of operation, it is essential to know one's own business. Coffee industry is in danger to the unpredictability of supply and the price of coffee. In addition, green coffee prices have been influenced in the past, and may be influenced at some point, by the exploits of the groups and unions who already tried to manipulate the price of green coffee through agreements setting export aid or limit supplies of coffee. The exploits of these unions and may lead to a break point dear to the operations of the coffee industry, both national and international context (Abrams 2005, 52).

Evidence of competitor analysis

Starbucks Corporation is a worldwide chain of coffee based in Seattle, Washington. It is the largest coffee company in the world, with about 17,800 outlets in 49 countries. Starbucks stock processed coffee and, espresso hot drinks and other beverages, snacks also sell some other products such as cups and grains coffee. It offers books, music CDs, and movies. Since the early 1990, the company has opened a new store on every Labor Day every year.

Application of the competitive environment analysis theory

The international coffee market is a very competitive segment, and Starbucks have to fight against the likes of restaurants, cafes, and street cars. With much higher tax marketing and operational sources of Starbucks. The U.S. specialty coffee market has to ...
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