Enterprise Culture

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Enterprise Culture

Enterprise Culture


As can be seen from the foregoing, culture is a multifaceted phenomenon. It permeates all spheres of human activity, including economic, commercial activity. Entrepreneurial activity is carried out at enterprises and organizations (Gray, 1998, 23). Therefore, the subject of this paper will be the enterprise culture or the culture of entrepreneurship.

Thesis statement

Enterprise culture is a culture in which certain enterprising qualities such as self reliance, personal responsibilities, boldness and a willingness to take risks in the pursuit of goals are regarded as human qualities.


According to data revealed by the survey, enterprise culture is a fundamental part of running any business and is perceived in this way for their employees, thus requiring a company to take it into account and take advantage of it if you do not want to become an issue against the overall results. The purpose of the enterprise culture is to help people be more productive, get satisfaction from work. If a person is foreign to his enterprise 's culture, its activities are fettered, is limited. Conversely, according to the organizational culture and values ??of the company employee last activity is activated, respectively, increases efficiency. Thus, possible to produce a synergistic effect.

Companies are known to exist in order to produce material goods and services. This production is related to a specific process chain (Harris, 2004, 309). To give effect to all parts of the chain at the enterprise management system or control system, which serves the entire staff of managers and subordinates. However, the activity of enterprises can not be carried out only on the basis of technology or management hierarchy. At the enterprises, organizations are people. This means that its activities are guided by some specific values, perform certain rites, etc. In this sense, every business or organization is a cultural space. We have to understand that a culture of enterprise or organizational culture and the role it plays in its functioning.

The enteprise culture is the prime determinant of the functions and actions performed by members of the company, the general functions of the company. It is based on operating the company and all its members, and is born from the beginning of the company, even before, when its creator has designed all the strategy and business plan. Each enterprise is created to accomplish the goals the entrepreneur, to implement some of the Cause. The method, which carries on business in the organization, the way that thing is, gives the organization the individual colouring, and personifies it. From this perspective, the culture of enterprise can be described as a specific characteristic of the organization's system of relations, actions, interactions and relationships that take place within a particular business, ways of setting up and conducting business (Bratich, 2003, 67). In line with this approach is the definition of organizational culture or the culture of the enterprise, this American sociologist E. N. Shane, "Organizational culture is a set of techniques and rules of solving the problem of external adaptation and ...
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