Enterprise And Social Responsibility

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Enterprise and Social Responsibility

Enterprise and Social Responsibility Assignment

Part 1




UK Banks

Showed inability of taking prompt actions, mishandling of customers, jeopardized the rapport, imposed hidden charges

Lost the support from shareholders. Got nationalized.

Loss of credibility and jobs.

Drop in a public share prices.

Banking sector under government ownership.

Government intervention gave the needed support but on their own terms.

SHAREHOLDERS (including pension schemes, private investors)

Pension criteria changed which disheartened the shareholders. Low ROI.

Instability repelled the potential investors.

Induction of Credit card deals

UK Government

Financial Service Authority

Bank of England

Took over the liabilities which mounted. Higher taxation rates and cuts in public expenditures.

Loss of economic value.

Loss in the reliability and credibility of the government.

Current government shareholding or nationalisation might hinder economic recovery.

Increased charges to support the economy.

Stuck in political issues and missed the idea of being the main bank that had reserved rights in comparison to other regulatory bodies.

Hard policies are cost effective and produce results.

Exploring other cheap markets for the support of assets.

Increase in taxation will help the government.


(personal account holders, pensioners, businesses)

Loss the trust of stakeholders and shareholders in the market.

Unsatisfactory high interest rates on domestic loans.

1.2Proposed tightening of UK banking regulation?

Answer 1.2

There is an individual operation in the bank function. Without this function, it would be ceased to be exists in the banks. There are basic ethical practises in the banks and the employees. The greatest amount of people depicts the greatest amount of goods. They are cooperating so long as there is a right of the results provides the greatest amount of good as depicted in the utilitarian approach. There is a feeling developed for their interest of stakeholders on their own banks. The bank cannot guarantee the greatest benefit of preservation of the public and the social framework will be collapsed when the people confidence is strengthened. However the utilitarian theory consists of banking crises. These persons act as a moral agent (HSBC About Us, 2013).

There is no accountability for cooperation. In the banking regulations of cost and benefits own would identify that the UK banks costs includes loss of independence. There is reduction environment to encourage growth. Through innovative banking method, there is risk taking. There is recovery of the sector in stifling regulations. In the benefits of UK banks includes they bail out from government and tax payer there is a return of public confidence. The cost of stakeholders depicts that the value of stakeholders had prime importance in the banking sector. There is an open integrity in a transparent banking industry. In the stakeholders, there is a cost of funding and regulatory institutions. They returned to the sector as there is assurance that openness, trust and honesty. The role of government in UK banking regulation is to set up the implementation of policy and rules and regulations become costly in terms of setup. There is a transparent, stable and consistent supervision. There is a competition in bureaucratic regulations and convergence ...
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