Enterprise & Personal Development

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Enterprise & Personal Development

Introduction As a writer, I rather dislike writing on technical topics like law and biology, because writing on these topics requires a person to have some knowledge about the relevant field, only then a person can do justice with the topic and develop an essay that could be termed as high-class writing. Since, I do not have any knowledge regarding these fields; I do not like to write on topics related to these two fields. Discussion & Analyses Another aspect of improvement in my writing skills is the searching skills, which is extremely valuable for writing a good essay. I have a habit of searching on a topic before I start writing on a particular topic. I start from the studying the previous researches on the topic, read the peer reviewed articles from different journals on the internet, and consult a number of books. In this way, I develop a clear image about the topic and then I start working on the essay. Then after, I start writing, I continue my research with the process of writing even, because there is an enormous amount of data available on every topic in this global world (Chong & Baez, 2005). I try to gather as much information as possible on the said topic as I keep on writing on the topic. The amount of time, I usually spend on writing a specific topic depends upon the nature of the topic, if there is a topic in which I already have a wealth of knowledge then I usually spend a minimum amount of time in conducting research on the topic and then writing. However, if the topic seems difficult, then I spend as much time as possible to conduct research on the topic and then I start writing (Delbridge, 1998). At this point of time, I want to pursue my career in the field of writing, and become a professional writer. I feel that I have skills and capabilities that are needed to excel in this field I have been gifted with a lot of patience and tolerance, which is helpful when a person is conducting research on a particular topic. Then I have the temperament to spend a lot of time writing on a topic, because I love to write and I believe that my passion to write would help me to pursue a successful career in this field (Hart & Risley, 1995). Burns and Bulmans (2000) argued that reflective practice is a process of reviewing an experience of practice in order to describe, analyze and inform learning and practice. Gibbs' (1988) reflective model consist of six stages: description, feelings, evaluation, analysis, conclusion and an action plan. This framework is being acknowledged as one of the principal approaches to reflection; however, this is similar to that of Boyd and Fales (1983). As it stated that learning from experience or experiential learning can be very personal and that nurses are expected to ask question related to their ...
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