Enterprise And Entrepreneurial Management

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Enterprise and Entrepreneurial Management

Enterprise and Entrepreneurial Management

Part 1:

This paper provides a sample business plan for an ISP Wireless firm called CitiLink Company Limited.


CitiLink is an innovative start-up company that provides wireless broadband Internet connections to several Chicago neighborhoods. Utilizing Wi-fi technology and proprietary antennas and repeaters, CitiLink will be able to serve a large area with broadband Internet connections (Simon, 2000, 11).

CitiLink was founded by Steve Teche. With a MBA and an undergraduate Computer research degree, Steve has the abilities to execute on this well-researched business plan. Steve spent two years in the PeaceCorps, which gave him not only an incredible and reasonable boost in confidence to accomplish a business venture, but also provided him with solid project management skills and experience (Shane, 2000, 21).

Market Analysis Summary

With in the last three years there has been a proliferation of broadband Internet connections. With so numerous persons enjoying fast attachments at work, they are no longer eager to deal with a dial-up connection at home. With the advent of Wi-fi technology, customers can now enjoy a fast connection with out having to lay expensive cables since the signal is sent via radio waves. The targeted market segments are: students, professionals, techies (Schumpeter, 1934, 67).

Market Segmentation

The market can be segmented into three distinct groups:

Students: these people currently in academia and are accustomed to fast connections and are willing to pay for it. This assembly values the Internet the most, if they are trading MP3s or downloading videos.

Professionals: this group conducts a equitable amount of enterprise over the Internet, if banking, e-commerce, or communications.

Techies: this group embraces technology as they relish demanding themselves with technology and the complexity it brings.

Other than the students, CitiLink''s customers are fairly affluent (house hold income of greater than $50,000)and spend their money on technology offerings, whether it is digital cable, cellular service, or broadband Internet connections. The target customers are also generally well-educated with 65% having a college degree and 20% having a graduate degree (Kotler, Brown, 2001, 33). Combining several demographic factors, CitiLink arrives at the following primary customer profile:

Spends 10 hours a week on the Internet away from home

Has purchased something from a website at least once with in the last two months

Educated with at smallest some course work for an undergraduate degree

House hold earnings of at least $50,000

Market Analysis

Target Market Segment Strategy

CitiLink has chosen the three aforementioned target markets due to their adoption of broadband Internet technology. It is these three assemblies that are most expected to use a fast attachment and the most willing to pay a premium for the connection.

Competition and Buying Patterns

As mentioned in the previousheading ,DSL ,cable, and satellite access are the competitors in the broadband market. Consumer buying patterns are founded on two factors:

Availability: not every kind of broadband connection is available to every consumer. Consumers of ten pick service providers based on what is available to them.

Convenience: this is often founded on where the outlet cords are based in the dwelling, if the computer will be ...
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