Enterprise And Entrepreneurial Management

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Enterprise and Entrepreneurial Management

Enterprise and Entrepreneurial Management

Part 1:

This paper provides a sample marketing plan for an ISP Wireless firm called Grassroots Wireless Company Limited.


Grassroots Wireless is an innovative start-up company that presents wireless broadband Internet attachments to some Chicago neighborhoods. Utilizing Wi-fi technology and proprietary antennas and repeaters, Grassroots will be adept to assist a large locality with broadband Internet attachments.

Grassroots was founded by Steve Teche. With a MBA and an undergraduate Computer Science degree, Steve has the abilities to execute on this well-researched enterprise plan. Steve spent two years in the PeaceCorps, which gave him not only an incredible and reasonable boost in confidence to accomplish a business venture, but also provided him with solid project management skills and experience.

Keys to Success

Practice disciplined growth.

Reach profitability by year two.

Ensure that the customer's desires are met and sustain a 90% clientele retention ratio.


Provide, very quick, reliable, wireless Internet access.

Treat customers with the utmost respect.

Become money-making inside two years.

Grassroots Wireless has been in operation since 2003 to offer an inexpensive, wireless broadband Internet connection to compete with DSL or cable offerings. Using Wi-fi technology, it is in expensive to setup a neighborhood network. The business was founded by Steve Teche. The firm relies on outside investors for the necessary start-up costs.


Grassroots offers wireless broadband Internet access. The service is DSL speed with customers only needing a Wi-fi card and to live with in range of the signal which covers a thirty block radius currently. There are plans to enlarge the coverage area as more customers signup.

Wi-fi technology is based on 2.4 mhz spectrum wireless transmissions. Using the same wavelength s that some cordless phones use, the Internet signals are broadcasted out through the neighborhood. With the supplied password and a Wi-fi receiver in each customer's computer, customers will have very quick, wireless Internet connections.

Market Analysis Summary

With in the last three years there has been a proliferation of broadband Internet connections. With so numerous persons enjoying very quick attachments at work, they are no longer eager to deal with a dial-up connection at home. With the advent of Wi-fi expertise, customers can now enjoy a very quick attachment without having to lay costly twisted cords since the signal is dispatched by wireless waves. The aimed at market segments are: scholars, professionals, techies.

Market Segmentation

The market can be segmented into three distinct groups:

Students: these people currently in academia and are accustomed to fast connections and are willing to pay for it. This assembly benefits the Internet the most, whether they are swapping MP3s or downloading videos.

Professionals: this group conducts a equitable allowance of business over the Internet, whether banking, e-commerce, or communications.

Techies: this assembly adopts technology as they relish challenging themselves with technology and the complexity it brings.

Other than the students, Grassroots' customers are fairly affluent (house hold income of> $50,000)and spend their money on technology offerings, whether it is digital cable, cellular service, or broadband Internet connections. The target customers are also generally well-educated with 65% having a college degree ...
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