Ensure A Safe Workplace

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Ensure a Safe WorkPlace

Ensure a Safe WorkPlace


The action of legislating; specifically : the exercise of the power and function of making rules (as laws) that have the force of authority by virtue of their promulgation by an official organ of a state or other organization.

Codes of Practice

A code of practice is a set of professional standards or written guidelines agreed on by members of a particular profession or written guidelines issued by an official body or a professional association to its members to help them comply with its ethical standards.

Role of Codes of Practice

Code of Practice as is a form of industry self-regulation (encourages industry self-regulation)

Advances/improves consumers' confidence in Industry and organizations that subscribe to the Code of Practice

Promote good business practices

OHS Industry Standards

For industry to operate effectively and efficiently there is a need for certain industry standards to be set. These standards govern the way an industry operates in much the same way as standards for road use (the 'rules of the road') govern how people drive on the roads.

Some standards are developed by industry to assist in the smooth and safe operation of that industry, while other standards are set by government and cover all industries.

One of the most important standards for any industry is government legislation relating to safety in the workplace.

Industry standards may be described in the form of duties and categorised as responsibilities. In the case of Occupational Health and Safety:

The responsibilities of the employer include:

ensuring that the places of work under their management are safe

ensuring that risk management procedures for the safe use, handling, storage and transport of plant materials are established for their workplace

ensuring that systems of work and the work environments are safe, without risks to health

ensuring that information, instruction, training and supervision is provided to support the safety of employees

ensuring the provision of adequate facilities for the welfare of employees.

The responsibilities of the employee include:

taking reasonable care of the health and safety of themselves and others

cooperating with employers in their efforts to comply with occupational, health and safety requirements.

OHS Information Access

We will try to make sure that manuals should also be provided in the other languages so that people who have difficulty in understanding English can easily understand the laws and regulations. We will also try to manage seminars and try to communicate laws in foreign languages.

Efefective Implementation of OHS

Every business owner/manager has a responsibility to manage all aspects of their business. This includes financial affairs as well as the health and safety of themselves, people who work for them casually, part-time, full-time, permanently, as volunteers or as outworkers, and any contractors or members of the public while they are in the workplace. Management of occupational health and safety (OHS) within every workplace is essential.

Every business should take steps to improve the way they manage health and safety.

This includes:

• Knowing legal responsibilities.

• Writing a policy and safe work procedures.

• Involving employees.

• Managing hazards.

• Keeping employees informed about OHS ...
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