Enneagram Of Personality

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Enneagram of Personality

Enneagram of Personality

Thesis Statement

The Enneagram is a dynamic system of nine personality types that empowers a person to better understand him and others.


Enneagram of Personality Theory is most commonly known by the shorter and simpler "Enneagram." Followers of Enneagram believe that every human being matches one of nine different personality types as modeled by a nine-point geometric enneagram. By knowing one's type? according to this theory? one can learn one's strengths and also learn to overcome one's weaknesses?5 and strive for a higher plane of existence.


Ennea-types are referred to by different names? sometimes simply by number. These are some of the variations:



Performer--- Producer---Achiever

Tragic Romantic---Individualist---Connoisseur


Devil's Advocate---Loyalist---Troubleshooter---Guardian


Boss---Top Dog---Challenger---Confronter


According to Enneagram of Personality by Helen Palmer healthy five personalities comprehend many perspectives without being attached to any of them. They collect knowledge? skills and mastery. So a person on a campaign should be the one writing the persuasions? training people and figuring out the best strategies. Unhealthy five personalities tend to withdraw from the world and live in alternate realties.3 Hmmm? could they possibly be considering blogging as way of withdrawing from the world? So an unhealthy five personality would have trouble doorknocking and phone calling. Under stress? a five personality tends to withdraw.

From the time of legend? mythological archetypes and gods have been ascribed colourful personalities. People have stories of love and jealousy;2 heroic deeds and cowardly betrayals; kindness and cruelty; generosity as well as vicious behaviour towards fellow gods. These patterns mirror human behaviour? and provide the basis of personality types.

Each personality is? of course? unique in that no one person is identical to another. However? people share common traits? and grouping these common traits together allows the creation of primary personality types. Various methods of classifying individuals into personality types exist. The Enneagram is one of these? but it is dynamic and sophisticated: it identifies more than four hundred personality sub-types? and recognises an individual's level of maturity and growth. It not only shows the shortcomings of each type? but also suggests a path towards self-awareness.7

The Enneagram starts with nine primary personality types represented by the nine points formed by a combination of a triangle and a hexagon. Each of the nine primary types is identified by its principal common traits which are derived from a combination of a person's inherent nature and childhood experiences. No Enneagram type is pure. Each primary type is influenced by the qualities of its dominant wing as well as the prevailing motivating need: self-preservation? social or sexual. Further? each personality will reflect its level of maturity. All these factors explain why the personalities of two people of the same primary Enneagram type may actually be quite dissimilar.1

The 9 Personality Types of Entrepreneurs

Darrell Zahorsky presents a typology of entrepreneurs that appears to have been derived from the Enneagram. Type names are somewhat different? but the brief descriptors are remarkably similar? including positive (excerpted below) and negative perspectives. Zahorsky also provides examples of successful entrepreneurs for each type.

The Improver: If a person operates his business ...